Page 46 of It Comes In Waves
I guess the look in my eyes is enough to get through to him. He pushes the girl off of him and stands, grabbing his pants.
"What the fuck, Carter!" She whines. He shrugs and leaves her there butt ass naked.
We make our way downstairs. I called a car because I'm in a hurry but not stupid enough for a DUI. We slip in, and I tell Carter what is going on.
"Shit, man, what are you going to do?"
"Find Dad, I guess."
Which is the last thing I want to do. I haven't had a meaningful conversation with the man in years. Honestly, I don't even think of him as a father figure. The most important thing in his life is money. He doesn't care about the family he created. All he wants is a good image. I can't tell you this last time he referred to me as his son. He uses people. He will only contact me when he needs something for his benefit. I am five hours away at school because I had to get out from under his reign and do things on my own. So now I'm the fuck-up that went to State school at Duke instead of one of the Ivy's like he envisioned. He graduated from Yale and would always brag about how it was destined for me to continue his legacy. His legacy, through my eyes, is anything but something to be proud of.
We get back to our apartment, and I sling a few things in a duffle and grab my keys.
"You aren't driving all the way to Savannah, Jud." Carter yanks the keys out of my hand.
"There is a car coming to get us. We will fly back." He's right. I'm too drunk to drive. It would do some good to sleep a little of it off on the way.
"Okay, You don't have to come." I look down at my duffle and run my fingers through my hair, wishing I could just pull it out.
"Shut up." He rolls his eyes, grabbing his backpack out of the closet. "You aren't going without me."
Carter knows everything about my family. He is really the only person I've ever confided in. How fucked up everything has always been.
No planes were leaving out tonight, so after calling a driver and a five-hour ride, we arrive at the house. Carter jumps out and heads through the front door, leading the way.
The house is empty. Thankfully Jay is at School. I kind of expected him to be here alone, but I guess mom has a sitter here for him because she knows as well as anyone, Dad wouldn't be able to be a Dad, not even for five minutes.
"Well, I guess Dad is at work." Carter grabs an apple off of the counter and then leans against it.
"Want to call a car?"
"Nah." I dig through the kitchen drawer and find the keys to one of the 3 cars my mom has. My Dad doesn't love her, but he wants everyone to think everything is perfect, hence the fancy cars.
We make our way out to the garage and hop in the Mercedes. I swing by the coffee shop and get a black coffee. If I am going to have to face him, I'm gonna need it.
We pull into his office building and walk inside. I don't even bother with the receptionist. Just make my way past her on a mission. I hear her calling me down, "Sir, do you have an appointment? Mr. Banks is with a client?"
I ignore her and bust my way into his office, Carter close on my heels.
Holy Fucking Shit.
Dad jumps at the sound of the door opening, quickly trying to pull his pants up and get them zipped. A young redhead, quite possibly a Victoria's Secret model, adjusts her dress back down, smoothing it lightly.
"Judson. I-I…" He stutters. I stand there in the doorway, frozen, unable to look away. I hold my hand up and turn on my heels, leaving as fast as I entered.
We hop back into the car, and I can't even find any words.
"Man, are you okay. Has he done that before?"
"No. I don't know." I punch the steering wheel a few times, pissed the fuck off.
"My mom is in the hospital dying, and he's fucking a 20-year-old."
"Let's go back to the house and change. We will go to see your mom."
We pull back into the garage, and although I wasn't cheating, I feel dirty having seen what I saw. I jump into the shower and try to erase what is now burned into my brain. After the scalding hot shower, I retreat back into the kitchen to find Carter.
However, my eyes find Dad, or Ryan Banks, because I refuse to accept that this man is my father. I have to be adopted. That is the only explanation. He looks so smug like he isn't even sorry, just sorry he got caught. I know why he's here. It's to make sure I don't tell mom.