Page 60 of It Comes In Waves
February 6
I slam my book closed, pushing my papers to the side. I can't concentrate on anything. These first few weeks of school have been a breeze, and for that, I am so relieved. Jameson and his interrogations about Ryan's wedding have me avoiding him at all costs.
I got out of there as fast as I could. I didn't ask questions, so there wasn't really anything for me to know. I don't want to know what Ryan has up his sleeve for me. The fact that Judson was right, though, made me cringe.
Judson has been MIA since our unofficial goodbye that night in his apartment in Atlanta. We didn't say those words, but we both felt it. Well, I did. Seems like goodbye is all I know anymore. I feel like, without him, I'm not living. I'm merely existing, and existing is exhausting.
Cami came to visit last weekend, and it felt so nice having her here. Brayden kept Kaycee, and she drove down. We spent the whole weekend in slumber party mode, and honestly, it was nice getting my mind off of everything. It's a strange thing when your best friend lives a few hundred miles away, especially when you're as close as Cami and I are. Well, as close as we were. I'd be lying if I said the past six months hadn't changed me and every relationship I've ever had.
Most of my appointments for the week are scheduled today because Wednesdays are my "get shit done" days. I don't have class at all on Wednesdays, so I decided to put Physical Therapy on that day, and it's getting more and more frustrating every time. My phone catches my attention, buzzing on the coffee table.
Bryce- Still on for lunch?
Shit, I almost forgot about lunch. Bryce is kind of my first friend at Art School. We met in the library and don't have a single class together since he is in the Architecture program, but I like his personality. He actually sat down next to me one day, thinking I was someone else, and we couldn't stop laughing and got kicked out. Through Bryce, I met Lexie, a fashion major from California, and we have all three became fast friends.
I type a quick response and tell him I'm still down, rushing around to get ready since I overslept. I grab some high-waisted leggings and a cropped hoodie. My hair is a bit of a rat's nest, so I just pile it on top of my head and throw on some mascara for the finishing touch.
Voila, a homely masterpiece.
I grab my keys to my new car and make my way down to the street where It's parked. I couldn't stand the thought of another tiny car, so I opted for a bigger Toyota 4-runner. It looked safer. It's not brand new or the nicest, but it's perfect for me. At first, I had trouble mustering up the courage to go anywhere alone, but I can make it a few miles around downtown without a panic attack, so that's progress. I pull into a parallel spot off the street and run into the cafe where I'm meeting Bryce and Lexie.
Bryce waves at me, motioning me to come to the table, as I walk in the door. He is seated at a small round cafe style table in the middle of the restaurant. I can't help but roll my eyes at him, typical, dressed in nice jeans and a sweater. He's super tall, dark-skinned, and dark eyes. He tries to pretend he isn't rich, but the Rolex on his wrist and the Audi outside gives him away. He always laughs and calls it "Daddy's money," which I guess is right.
I glance down at my clothes, wishing I was more put together looking because next to Bryce, I look a little out of place.
"Where's Lexie?" I ask as I drag my chair across the floor.
"She's on her way. Something about a "Fashion Emergency" at the fabric store." I laugh out loud because I can see her running franticly, screaming at the sales clerk.
We talk back and forth for a few minutes, and he seriously makes me laugh so much, it makes my stomach hurt.
"Then my mom found my sister three cabins down, naked and wrapped in a bear rug." He laughs and is yanked up by his shirt out of his seat. I stumble out of my chair and take a couple steps back. My eyes scan the situation and come directly locked with the last person I expected to see.
What the fuck is he doing?
"Judson, what the hell!" I whisper-shout, trying to figure out what is going on.
He disappeared for a month and thinks he can come in here to cause a scene?
His wild eyes find mine, noticing my plea, and Bryce yanks his hand off of him.
"Is there something going on here that maybe I should be aware of?" Bryce asks, looking between Judson and myself.
"So that lady at the fabric store is seriously…" Lexie comes barreling in with her purse, phone, and keys all piled in her hand. She lifts her sunglasses on top of her head, her gaze finds Bryce, his hands clenching at his side.
"What's going on?" She asks.
"I'd like to know the same thing." Bryce agrees, sitting back down.
Judson's eyes have never left mine. They look needy and frantic. I give Bryce an apologetic look.
"Blake, can we talk?" He asks, stepping closer to me.
Bryce looks to Lexie with a questionable glare.