Page 71 of It Comes In Waves
Her face twists as she jumps to her feet, taking several steps back.
“Blake, if there is someone else you need to just tell me.” She takes another step back, and her eyes fill with tears.
“You aren’t my boyfriend, so it would but hard to have another one.” She snaps.
“It’s Lexie. She has to go to work.”
In her eyes, I can see that I was way off base with the “other boyfriend” comment, and I instantly regret it.
“What does Lexie’s work schedule have to do with you?”
She looks to her feet, then to her phone in her hand, and then to me.
“She has my son.” She swallows hard before continuing, “Ourson.”
I’m quite sure the look on my face is sheer terror, and I take a step back from her, unsure if I can keep my balance.
“What?” I ask, adamant that I must’ve misheard, due to the rhythm of my heartbeat in my ears.
“Lexie has to go to work, and she is my babysitter. So I have to go.” She repeats, leaving out the fact that this child ismychild.
“I… I well…” I fumble through my words, trying to muster up a sentence.
“It’s okay, Judson, really. I don’t expect you to process this right now. I wasn’t sure how to tell you, or if I should tell you. I certainly didn’t expect to tell you likethis.” She explains, picking her keys up off the table in the foyer. I follow her closely, ready to demand she tell me everything, but instead, I stand like an idiot in the doorway as she walks out.
That definitely did not go how I had pictured it in my head for the past six months. I'm sure there will be questions that need answering, but they will have to wait for now. I put the 4-runner in reverse and turn around in the driveway. I try not to speed as I hit the highway back to my house, but I can't help but go a few miles over as my mind speeds as fast as my car. When I push my front door open and see Lexie rocking JC, everything feels a little different. The way he makes little cooing sounds, and smiles, makes my anxiety disappear.
"Thanks for watching him."
"You know I will anytime!" She smiles and squeezes my bicep as she gathers her things.
"How did it go with Judson? He okay?"
"Physically? Yes. Mentally? Probably not great." She slips her purse over her shoulder, and her eyes connect with mine. She is pretty good at reading me.
"What happened?" She sighs.
"Well, he thought I was seeing someone else, but turns out the only other man in my life is JC, and now he knows that." She takes a few steps toward me, rubbing JC on his head.
"How did he take it?" She questions.
"Well, he didn't really say anything, and I left to come here." I sit JC down in his swing and go to the fridge to pull out a bottle of water.
"I didn't expect to just dump it on him like that, but he pissed me off, and the cat that was supposed to get my tongue was MIA."
My phone chimes over and over again as I take a long swig of water, trying to ignore the fact that I hear it.
"Is that him?" Lexie asks as she takes her keys in her hand.
"I don't know, but he just found out he's a father, so probably."
She gives me a quick hug, "Good luck with that." She points her tiny finger at the phone on the counter, "I'll call you after work."
She heads out the door, and I look over to see JC sleeping and pick up my phone.