Page 81 of It Comes In Waves
The door launches open, and my mom walks through with JC. Her eyes immediately landing on Judson. Her gaze finds me before sitting JC's car seat down.
"Blakely, what is going on?" She asks dryly, ready for me to appease her by telling her he's leaving.
"What do you mean?" I question.
"Why is he here? I thought you said you didn't trust him." She unbuckles JC pulling him from his car seat before continuing, "I thought we agreed that it would be best if you moved on." She says in a condescending tone, flipping her hair over her shoulder.
"Don't patronize me, mom," I state, rolling my eyes before grabbing JC from her. He needs to breastfeed before they take me back.
"I'm just saying he deserves someone who isn't going to run away when things get hard."
I've gotten used to ignoring her over the past couple of months, so that's exactly what I do.
"You be okay for a little bit? I'm going to go grab some food from the food court."
I nod, and she takes off, closing the door not so subtly behind her. Judson jerks his head up, and I yank the sheet up over JC's head. I can tell I am looking at him awkwardly as he gives me a questionable glare.
"Good morning." He smiles.
JC starts whimpering, and I know exactly why. He hates being covered up while he is trying to eat. I pat his bottom, trying to appease him.
"Blakely, you don't have to cover him up. If you don't want me to watch, I can turn around."
"I just don't want to make you uncomfortable," I state, pulling the blanket back to look at JC.
"I'm fine. It's our child. He's just eating. It's a completely natural process."
I pull the sheet down, and I can see Judson's eyes landing on JC but pulling away quickly, so he doesn't make me feel too exposed. His eyes avert from JC to mine. I would swear that I was looking at the other half of myself. Suddenly I realize all of the emptiness I've been feeling is temporary, and the part of myself that seemed to be missing was always here.
After several minutes the nurse comes to wheel me back.
"Can we wait a few minutes?" I look to JC, reaching for my phone to dial mom.
"Blake, I got him. It's okay." Judson reaches to me to grab JC from my arms. I look up to him.
He gives me a reassuring smile as he sits down with him. I am trying to reassure my brain that this is real and not an illusion as they wheel me out of the room. Hoping the next four hours don't result in my mom or Judson killing one another.
When I wake up in recovery, I feel intense pain in my wrist. I look around in a panic remembering the accident and how I woke up the first time. The nurse squeezes my shoulder, reassuring me that everything is okay. After a few minutes, they push me back to my room. My head spins in circles, thinking about seeing Judson again. As the door moves open, Judson stands, making his way over to me.
"How do you feel?" He asks before bending to kiss my forehead, JC in his arms.
"You stayed here with JC for four hours?" I question.
"Yeah, I didn't want to leave you." He bounces JC, rocking him back and forth.
"He's guarding poor Jacob with his life." My mom scoffs as she rounds the bed to check on me.
"If it were up to me, I'd never put him down," Judson responds.
I chuckle with him, trying to hide my adoration from my mom and her doubts.
The next 48 hours go by great. I feel good, the pain is minimal, and I can't wait to start physical therapy. They keep telling me to take it slow and not rush things, but I can't help it. As we are leaving the hospital, my mom looks to Judson, and he nods.
"So Blake, since you are feeling good, I have a surprise for you." He smiles, handing JC to my mom.
"Reese is going to watch JC tonight, I got them a room, and I have a gift for you." I look to my mom with a questionable glare as she smiles. I kiss JC on the head and stand up out of the wheelchair that the nurse made me ride to the car.