Page 5 of Collateral Damage
I chuckled. “I’ll see what I can do about that.” I leaned close and added in a conspiratorial whisper, “Don’t tell the other patients. You know they’ll be jealous.”
“Of extra attention from Dr. Hottie?”
My eyebrows rose before I barked out a laugh. “Don’t repeat ridiculousness.”
She sniffed. “The nurses like to gossip. It’s impossible not to hear them.”
“I have eyes only for you. Ignore them.” I flirted shamelessly with her, avoiding giving her the news for as long as I could. The amusement fell from her aging face. She was on to me.
“Give it to me straight, Doc. I’ve lived a long life, and I know when something is very wrong. It’s back, isn’t it?”
Leukemia. I closed my eyes for a moment, gathering strength to give bad news to an old woman my family hadn’t seen in too many years. Soon, her boisterous family would infiltrate our hospital in droves to surround her with laughter. “Yes.”
Tears misted her eyes, but she blinked them away. Stubbornness that would rival my sister’s took its place. “How long?”
“I don’t want to define your life in what you have left when there’s another option.” I’d scoured the doner lists and then placed a few calls last night, and if she agreed, I had a solution for her. It could save her if she was willing. If her family was. “When are your son and daughter going to be here?”
“We aren’t doing that, young man.” Katherine struggled to sit up, and I helped her, arranging the pillows so she was comfortable. “I’m of sound mind. Lay it on me.”
“I found a match. But”—I held up a finger to stop her from making a hasty decision—“the bone marrow donor is in Europe. Italy, to be specific. And I have connections there. You’ll have to undergo a few more tests once you’re there.”
She patted my hand. “I know all about your connections, Trey. But I fail to see how that will help. Isn’t there a match in the States?”
I shook my head. There wasn’t. “Mom will insist that you go when I tell her, and you know she can be a force, just like you. Don’t think she won’t have you kidnapped and transported to Italy during the night.”
“She was always my favorite of all the models.” Katherine’s sigh held a longing I felt deep in my bones for what was. “How is that firecracker of a sister of yours?”
I laughed. “Sofia is a handful, but she’s married and no longer causing our brothers or me hell.”
“Such a darling girl.” She patted my cheek then glanced at my ringless hand. “And you? Are you engaged yet?”
“No one’s managed to catch my eye.” I sat on the side of her bed, knowing my statement to be a bald-faced lie. “Stop changing the subject. This is what we’re going to do. Mom will be here this afternoon to help you and your kids pack what you want to bring on your trip to Italy. If you want one of your family members to go with, that’s fine, but you’ll be in good hands there and staying with Vincenzo Brambilla, a friend of our family’s.”
Interest lit her eyes. “Why would another Mafia family want to help a stranger?”
“His granddaughter Liliana is my sister’s close friend, and we all have history. He’s one of the good ones. I promise he’ll take care of you.”
“If I agree to this, what are the chances of remission?”
Of a cure. “Very good. There’s a high chance of success.”
“And the hospital there? Insurance? How will that work?”
It wouldn’t. And I knew she didn’t have the funds to cover even a small portion of it. “You’re a friend of the family. It’ll be handled. You’ll have a private nurse and a sterile room that isn’t in a hospital. There is nothing for you to worry about.” Her chin quivered, and I didn’t want to cause her any distress, so I gently squeezed her hand. “Mom will be here to help smooth things over with your family. The jet leaves before dinner, and my parents will be with you on the flight over and to make sure you’re settled in Vincenzo’s estate.” Traveling to a stranger’s home and out of the country was enough to rattle anyone’s nerves. Stress was the last thing Katherine needed. I had a feeling she’d quite like Vincenzo, though. “Mom will stay as long as you want her to.” I chuckled. “Good luck getting rid of her. I’m pretty sure my parents are looking for a house in Italy, so you’re doing them a favor.”
She nodded once. It was enough for me to finalize the plans I had in motion. “It’s settled, then.” I knew how hard it was for her to accept anything she thought was a handout, but this was her life, and I was glad she’d agreed.
She sagged against the pillows, and I smiled reassuringly. “Your discharge papers will be in order soon, but you’ll have until about four this afternoon before it’s time to leave.” That gave her enough time to figure out what she wanted to have packed and brought to stay in Italy.
“Trey”—her using my first name caused a flood of memories to surface. There were so many of my siblings and me playing at her and Mom’s feet while Katherine did Mom’s hair and makeup for a fashion shoot she’d agreed to attend—“why are you doing this?”
“Doing what?”
“Working in a hospital? Don’t forget, I may have been absent for the last few years and living in another state, but I know your family.”
She’d always been a smart cookie. I winked, wanting to add some levity to our discussion. “Putting in my dues. I won’t be here much longer, but it was good that I was when you came in yesterday.” If I hadn’t been, none of us would have known about Katherine’s stay, and my mother would have been devastated if we hadn’t helped her.
One of the nurses walked in, and I gave her instructions about monitoring Katherine’s IV and giving her a pain reliever. She would need to be hydrated and comfortable for the long flight tonight. Dinner would be on the jet, and I knew she would be happier with the food they would serve over the hospital’s. I left detailed notes with Sandy, who I ensured would be there to handle everything before her shift ended.