Page 14 of Reasonable Doubt
“Do I get to ride in a police car?” he asked.
Kate bit her lip to keep her emotions in check. “Yes, you get to ride in a police car.”
“I’ll go then.”
Tom nodded his thanks and took Danny out of the building. Sienna squeezed her arm before she followed them.
Eric came into the hall carrying his kit, evidence, and vacuum. “Were you just asking me for a ride?”
“Yes, my car is in the shop.”
She turned to find Mitchell in her path.
“I’m sorry that I ever hired that dummy. If I hadn’t, Mrs. LePlante might still be alive.” He followed Danny’s retreating back, but when she expected to see disgust in his eyes, it looked suspiciously like guilt.
“There isn’t any evidence that Danny had anything to do with Mrs. LePlante’s death. Watch your mouth.”
She felt Eric’s hand on her shoulder. She took a deep breath to regain her composure.
“Yeah, maybe not, but it doesn’t excuse him for stealing.”
“What do you mean?” Kate demanded.
“There’s been a rash of burglaries in this building and Danny has the key to every apartment. According to the police, there wasn’t any forced entry.”
“This is the first time I’ve heard anything about any burglaries,” Kate said, her forehead creasing. She was beginning to dislike this man even more.
“We tried to keep it quiet, and we’re cooperating with the police.”
“If they had anything on Danny, they would have arrested him.”
Mitchell shrugged. “Just a matter of time. Look, I’m sorry I stepped on your toes in there.”
Too polite, too remorseful, too…glossy. Instinct told Kate there was a volcano brewing beneath that smooth façade.
In silence, she watched his hand as he raised it, holding it out to her. His fingers were long, strong, and tanned. Powerful. She wondered if he’d made the marks on Mrs. LePlante’s neck.
She said nothing as he dropped his hand, brushed past Kate, and left the building.
“What was that all about?” Eric asked.
“I don’t know, but I don’t like him,” Kate said, watching Mitchell’s retreating back.
She followed Eric out of her apartment building, set the kit and evidence on his back seat and got into the car.
“Word is that you danced with St. James tonight.”
“Word travels fast.”
“You know cops. We’re the biggest gossipmongers around. Now fess up. Did you dance with him?”
“I danced with him. What of it?”
“Just askin’, but now I’m curious as to why you have that defensive note in your voice. Is there something you want to tell your partner?”
“Like what, Banner? Maybe, you’re a pain in my butt?”