Page 16 of Reasonable Doubt
“He’s not under arrest right now, so technically he doesn’t need a lawyer.”
A uniformed cop came into the observation room. He whispered something in the captain’s ear. The captain nodded and turned to Jericho.
“The search of Danny Hamilton’s apartment has turned up a bloody brass candlestick.”
“Who gave you permission to search?” Jericho asked.
The cop thumbed toward the glass. “The kid. Said we could go through anything we wanted.”
“Why did you search his apartment?” Kate asked.
“Eyewitness stated that she heard Danny and Mrs. LePlante arguing. Then after that, she heard nothing. We went to the kid’s apartment, and he said we could search. Afterward, he got really agitated when we wanted to bring him down to division to question him,” the uniform said.
Jericho stood there quietly. “Arrest him.”
“Charges?” Captain Davis asked.
“Second-degree murder.”
“But we don’t even know what killed LePlante yet,” Kate said.
“The evidence sounds concrete enough to go to the grand jury. Arrest him.”
“Danny didn’t do it. I know he couldn’t have. He’s not capable of hurting anyone,” Kate persisted.
“Sounds like the evidence is proving you wrong,” Captain Davis said, exiting the room and entering the interrogation room. He talked to Tom, who got up and snapped cuffs on a bewildered and frightened Danny.
They exited the observation room just as Tom was leading Danny out of the interrogation room.
“Help me, Miss Kate. Don’t let them lock me up. I didn’t do nothing.”
“Don’t worry, Danny. It’ll be okay. Go with the officers. I’ll come and visit you as soon as I can.”
“I’m scared, Miss Kate.”
“I know, Danny. But it’ll be all right. Don’t worry.”
She rounded on Jericho. “This is all a mistake.”
“I’m sorry about this, Kate. But the evidence doesn’t lie.”
“I know, but I don’t believe it. I know this man.”
Kate walked with Jericho to the stairs where Eric was waiting. “Eric, what are you doing here?”
“You said your car was in the shop. I thought I’d give you a ride home.”
“I’ll take her,” Jericho said.
Kate turned to look at Jericho, who eyed Eric. His tone brooked no disagreement.
Eric leaned in and whispered in Kate’s ear. “Watch out for those claws.”
Kate hit Eric in the shoulder, and he turned and went down the stairs.
“What was that all about?”