Page 18 of Reasonable Doubt
“Danny’s innocent. That’s not emotion. That’s a gut instinct.”
“My goal is clear, Kate. Get killers off the street. We’re on the same side. I have to do my job. I want a report of your findings as soon as it’s available.”
“You’ll get it.”
“Danny had motive, means and opportunity, and I’ve got to prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law.”
“This isn’t about you,” Kate said, moving in on him, her sultry scent making him lose his train of thought. It made him crazy, but he couldn’t seem to concentrate when this woman got too close to him.
“This is about Danny. All avenues have to be investigated before I will be satisfied. If you don’t like it, you can kiss my ass.”
There was a buzzing in his ears, and he thought it might be a warning signal, but he couldn’t seem to think. His hands reached out and enfolded her into his arms, as he lowered his mouth to hers with a soft moan.
His system overloaded, his pulse heavy, his heart laboring against it. He was so sure if she pulled away from him, he would cease to exist. The sensation was like being absorbed into a heated vortex where he was lost. The sheer material of her dress seemed paper-thin as if they touched skin to skin. She moaned and he hardened behind the zipper of his expensive tux pants.
Jericho slid his fingers into her hair, cupping the side of her head as he deepened the kiss. Kate made a helpless sound and opened her mouth. Jericho slipped his tongue inside in a deep, searching kiss.
Gathering her up in a hard, enveloping embrace, he drew her between his thighs, working his mouth hungrily against hers, pressing her hips even closer. Jericho knew that Kate was capable of this response. It made him feel powerful when she cried out softly, her hands feverishly tugging at his jacket.
Jericho caught her by the hips and molded her flush against him, his mouth wide and hot as he tugged the zipper of her enticing dress down the satin skin of her back. He emitted a low sound of approval when he pulled the dress off her shoulders and encountered nothing but bare skin. He slid his hand up her bare torso, cupping her breast, stroking her with his thumb. She was softer than he could have imagined. Her skin vibrant against his hands. Alive, so alive.
His touch made her gasp, and she released a shuddering, helpless sound against his mouth. It was sudden, the wrenching in his gut.
He broke the kiss to look down at her. The full breasts tipped with pink nipples hardened into rosy nubs. He used his hands under her arms to arch her back until his mouth engulfed first one sweet tip, then the other.
She tasted like nothing he’d ever had. Sweet, pure fire burned his mouth, raged inside him until he let go of her nipple.
She gasped when his gaze collided with hers, her lips parting in pleasure. He brought her lips closer to his, watching the way her eyes glazed when she looked at his mouth. His mouth covered hers urgently, a burst of heat zinging through him startling in its intensity.
And he couldn’t imagine ever wanting to kiss another woman as he was kissing Kate. The danger and intensity of his bonding with Kate would be like nothing he’d ever experienced before.
He felt on the brink of miracles and certain disaster.
“No,” she said softly as he tried to strip the dress off her.
She pulled out of his arms and turned away, quickly slipping back into the dress. She backed away from him.
“Kate…” he pleaded, taking a step toward her.
She shook her head, holding her hand out. “No, you teased me for a long time. I told you that you have to wait.”
Jericho gritted his teeth and ran his hands through his hair. “Let me explain about that.”
“No.” She shook her head emphatically. “I don’t want to hear any explanations yet. It’ll make me weak, and I don’t want to be weak right now.”
“You said you wanted to have sex with me.”
“I do.”
“Then why not now?”
“Because I call the shots and I say not right now.”
Jericho took a deep breath to bring his passion under control. “Okay, you call the shots.”
Kate smiled at him in a very unnerving way. “It’s nice to know that you’re not letting your emotions have free rein.”