Page 24 of Reasonable Doubt
Her normal routine was to get up and do an hour of yoga to begin the day. She walked into her living room. Just looking at the desk made her heart beat rapidly.
She placed the diffuser on the lip of the fireplace and plugged it in. Automatically, she mixed the oils and then covered the concoction.
In her bedroom, she shucked her pajamas. Putting on a bodysuit, she adjusted the straps for comfort. Kate had been doing yoga since her early teens. She’d discovered that yoga could give her a measure of inner peace in her hectic life. Where Sienna and Lana preferred more physical activities, Kate liked the quiet wellness that her exercises brought her.
She ran a hand through her hair, coiling it tightly, then pinning the mass to the top of her head. Back in the living room, she pulled out her mat and went through her preliminary exercises.
For an hour she moved through her routine with fluid, graceful movements, feeling the pleasant and stimulating stretch of her muscles. The oils in the diffuser permeated the room with the scent of sandalwood, palmarosa, and lemon. Kate breathed deeply through each exercise, and she felt some of the stress from the previous day and night dissipate.
Finally, her routine ended, and she sat down on her mat. She placed her hands loosely on her knees and closed her eyes.
But the peace she usually felt at the end of a routine wasn’t there. She couldn’t grasp it. She breathed evenly and tried to force it but knew that wasn’t going to help.
She opened her eyes and huffed out a breath of frustration. It was what he’d said last night that was bothering her so much.
He was right. She had a good reputation as a forensic scientist, but surely wasn’t known for being adventurous.
But she wanted to be. Her fantasies were varied and in them she was bold and wild. One, in particular, featured Jericho, warm, melted chocolate, and her tongue. Whycouldn’tshe be that way with Jericho?
Before she invited him to her bed, she wanted to equalize the playing field. The best person to help her with that was one person who knew a lot about sex and how to please a man. Paige Dempsey.
Lana’s sister owned her own sex toy company and just last year met FBI Agent Justin Conner who, believe it or not, had arrested her for fraud. It had all worked out in the end, and they were soon to be married. So it was with a little trepidation that Kate paid the taxi driver and walked up the path to Paige’s quaint little house.
She knocked and waited patiently. Finally, Justin opened the door.
“Kate? What are you doing here? It’s”—he looked at his watch—“seven o’clock.” His sleepy eyes widened. “Is Lana okay?”
“Yes, she’s fine. I actually came to talk to Paige. Is she up?”
“Not yet, but I’ll tell her you’re here.”
He walked away and disappeared into the bedroom. Five minutes later, Paige came out, tying a robe around her middle. “Hey, Kate,” she said, hugging her.
“Hi, Paige. I’m sorry about barging in on you so early, but it couldn’t wait. I won’t have time to drop by tonight.”
“It’s no problem. Want a cup of coffee?” Paige smiled sleepily.
“Sounds great.”
After Paige gave Kate a cup of steaming coffee, they sat on the living room couch. Kate looked apprehensively at the bedroom.
“Don’t worry, Justin is in the shower. What’s up?” Paige asked, taking a sip of her coffee.
“You are aware of our souvenir dare, right?” Unable to sit still, Kate jumped up and began to pace.
“I am, and you guys are crazy, although Sienna and A.J. seem to be very happy. Not to mention, Lana and Sean can’t keep their eyes and hands off each other. Who is your target?”
“Jericho St. James.”
“The guy running for DA?”
“Wow. I’ve seen him on TV. He’s gorgeous and I love what he stands for. I’m planning on voting for him. Way to go, Kate.”
“I think he might be a little out of my league.”
Paige smiled wickedly. “Oh, Kate. No man is out of a woman’s league. Are you saying you aren’t sure about bedding him?”