Page 3 of Reasonable Doubt
“In my opinion, the genetic profile of the crime scene blood sample and the known blood sample, identified as belonging to Duncan Carver, the defendant, are a match.”
Jericho gave the jury time to absorb her words. This, after all, was the punch line. “What is the chance that this same genetic profile would be found in a random member of the population?”
“The probability is one out of twenty billion that Mr. Carver’s DNA sample matches anyone else in the population.”
“Are there samples that can be retested should someone wish to dispute the accuracy of the result?”
“Thank you, Ms. Quinn.” Jericho turned toward the judge. “I have no more questions for this witness.” He walked back to his table.
Stan Marker, the defense attorney, didn’t look pleased. The interested look of the jury and the extent of Kate’s testimony damaged his case.
Kate watched as Stan stood and approached her. He smiled at her as if he was her best friend. Kate knew otherwise; she’d had experience with Stan before. The word smarmy came to mind along with the word letch.
“Based on the testimony you gave, it seems that you’re sure the defendant is guilty. Would you like to see him convicted?”
* * *
Kate showed no reaction to Stan’s question. She looked at Jericho and knew why he didn’t object to the obvious leading question. He knew that Kate could handle it. “I have no opinion one way or the other. I am here to present the facts and will abide by the court’s decision.”
Stan didn’t say anything for a moment. It was a defense attorney’s trick called the silent treatment. He was hoping she would embellish her answer and give him ammunition to fire more leading questions.
When she didn’t respond, but waited patiently for his next question, he changed tacks. “Your résumé seems to be lacking, Ms. Quinn, in that you don’t have a PhD.”
“That is true, but I’ve worked in this field for six years and have conducted and analyzed thousands of DNA samples.”
He frowned and leaned in, trying to either distract her or to intimidate her.
“Isn’t it true that an advanced degree would enhance your abilities to do your job?”
Kate waited a beat, letting the irritation drain out of her. She wasn’t going to let him rattle her. “Most PhD’s are theoretical and abstract. I don’t see where it would enhance my job. Specialized hands-on courses in, say, Advanced DNA Methods or DNA-PCR STR Analysis and Typing are more beneficial.”
“I see.” He moved away from the stand, formulating his next question. “Isn’t it possible that a sample collected in a careless or sloppy manner can create a potential for contamination?”
“Yes, it is possible. However, in my experience, given the many controls performed, such contamination would be detected.”
“I have no more questions for this witness,” Stan said as he turned to the judge. He walked back to his table.
The judge turned toward Jericho. “Mr. St. James, would you like to redirect?”
“No, Your Honor.”
“The witness may step down.”
Kate rose and was very careful not to look at Jericho, Stan, or the defendant as she made her way back to her seat. To do so could indicate to the jury that she had a biased opinion.
“The State rests,” Jericho said.
The judge nodded and addressed Stan. “We’ll begin with the defense’s case tomorrow morning at nine o’clock sharp.” The judge banged his gavel. “Court is adjourned.”
Everyone stood as the judge left. Kate walked toward the door to the outside hall. “Kate,” Stan called as he came up to her. “You were like a rock on the stand. Couldn’t move you.”
“Just telling the truth.”
He nodded, his eyes caressing her body, making her skin crawl. “Nice dress. I had no idea you were so beautiful. Say the word and I’ll be your love slave,” Stan said, but Kate was barely paying attention.
Out of the corner of her eye, Jericho collected his papers. He never even glanced her way. Her heart sank. He was just not interested in her. Not even with her new dress or her altered look. He shut his briefcase and walked toward them.