Page 71 of Reasonable Doubt
“What could he do? He tried to leave. He was very upset, but he never raised his voice. When he got to the living room, she blocked the door and kept hitting him. That’s where he got bruises on his arms.”
“Then what?”
“He grabbed the candlestick and hit her in the head. She went down and Danny ran out of the apartment.”
“What did Mrs. LePlante do after Danny hit her?”
“She came toward the bathroom. I had to duck inside, or she would have seen me. I hid in the shower.”
“Did someone else come to the apartment?”
Ken clammed up and looked away from her. “Not when I was there.”
“Who are you covering for?”
“No one.”
No matter what Sienna did or how she interrogated Ken, he wouldn’t say another word. They had no choice but to give up.
Kate left the lockup and went over to the courthouse. She made her way to Jericho’s office.
“Is he in, Sandy?”
“Yes, but he’s due in court in about fifteen minutes.”
“Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.” She knocked on his door.
He said, “Come in.”
Kate turned the knob and opened the door. “Ken’s not the killer.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. There was someone else in that bathroom, someone who strangled Mrs. LePlante to death, left his blood on the glass shards of the mirror that broke when she struggled.”
“A third person?”
“Yes, and I think Ken saw him.”
“You want me to offer him a deal.”
“Yes, I do.”
“I’ll have to talk to the DA about it.”
“Whatever you have to do, Jericho.”
He looked down at his watch and back at her. “I’ve got to get to court, but I’ll speak to him right afterward. Okay?”
“Yes, thank you,” she said as he shrugged into his suit jacket and picked up his briefcase.
“So did he say anything about Danny?”
“Yes, he wrote a statement that exonerates him. How long do you think it’ll take to get him out of jail?”
“The wheels of justice move slow, Kate. Have patience. I’ll need to see the statement and talk to Ken, then I’ll get the charges dropped.”
“Good. I’ll tell him the good news.”