Page 3 of Falling for Autumn
Obstinate, brash, quick to judge...but hey, despite what they say, first impressions aren’t always the best. After all, I’d just arrived and I managed to break something without even setting foot inside the house.
No, coming to Holiday Hollow was going to be a fresh start and a way to get back to my roots. Come Fall Festival and all, I was going to make it happen, no matter what.
“I’m Autumn, Autumn Cedarwick, and I do believe you’re the one who is trespassing onmyorchard.”
The moment the sun started streaming through the thin curtains, I was awake, though I’d rather not be. After last night’s encounter with the delicious alpha sheriff who thought I was breaking in, and eventually convincing him I was in fact supposed to be here, I was exhausted. I’d carried in a few things after he’d left before pouring myself into bed.
At least he’d apologized and looked genuinely embarrassed about the cuffs after he’d taken them off. He even helped me find the key under one of the small pots that was in the corner of the window seal.
Using what little motivation I had, I forced myself to get out of the old rickety bed, stretching my neck to the side and trying to work out the kinks. Grabbing my robe off of the bedpost, I tied it around me and made a beeline for the kitchen. Thankfully the place had running water and electricity, two of the biggest essentials for coffee making.
Rummaging through the boxes on the table, I found the coffee maker and got it hooked up. The smell of coffee soon filled the kitchen, that alone helping wake me up a bit more.
Now this was how a kitchen was supposed to smell in the morning.
It had barely stopped brewing the coffee when I pulled off the pot and filled my mug. A loud knock sounded on the door and I groaned, setting my coffee down on the counter. With one last longing look at it, I tightened the belt on my robe and went to answer the door, hoping it wasn’t the sheriff again. That alpha was more than I could handle with a severe lack of coffee in my system.
When I pulled the door open, my jaw dropped. The most adorable man was standing on the other side. Apparently Holiday Hollow was home to some of the hottest men, not even here a day and I’ve already spotted two. Though I much preferred the one who didn’t have me in cuffs.Well, for now at least. There’s a time and place for everything.
The beta smiling awkwardly down at me looked out of place, his hand coming up to scratch the back of his neck. Despite his obvious nerves, his grin was to die for. I found myself easily returning it. He had the whole boy next door vibe, from his soft brown hair and expressive blue eyes, to his flannel, worn jeans, and work boots. His soft scent of spiced cream put me directly at ease and there was something so innately centering about him that I instinctively knew he was a beta. His demeanor reminded me of grandpa Allen but that was where the resemblance stopped.Thank god.
“Hey,” I offered, hoping it would prompt him to speak.
“I-I’m your neighbor. Jack Halston. I run the pumpkin patch,” he stuttered out, his smile dropping a bit as he got flustered. His name hit me for a second. Halston. Why did that sound so familiar? I couldn’t place it, but honestly it could be as simple as a faded memory from those summers spent here. “It seems I owe you an apology.”
“An apology?” I questioned, not understanding where this conversation was going. We hadn’t even met, what could he possibly have to say sorry over?
He winced. “I’m the one who called the cops on you.”
I let out a laugh that had his grin coming back. He seemed like such an easygoing beta and already I found myself wanting to know more about him.
“So I have you to thank for my ‘Welcome Wagon’?”
He groaned, his own smooth laughter filling the space between us. “My mom would beat my ass. She’s literally the head of the welcoming committee.” His joking tone had his playful personality shining through and I decided we were going to be fast friends. He was too adorable and fun for us not to be, plus that smile of his made me want to melt.
“I'm sure I'll meet her soon enough, but I’ll keep your name out of it,” I promised. “And your officer let me go when he finally let me tell him my name.” It was honestly comical how different the alpha and beta I’d met so far were. I had a feeling that Holiday Hollow was going to be full of interesting characters.
“Which is?” he prompted, raising an eyebrow. That adorable grin fell back into place. It didn’t feel like he was flirting, just genuinely nice. This was closer to the greeting I’d expected, but even I could admit the other one would make a good story one day.
“Autumn Cedarwick.” A flicker of recognition flashed on his face but he didn’t comment on it. I felt bad, I didn’t remember much of the townies from back then. When the entire pack was alive they kept me plenty busy on the orchard. Between baking and chores, I was never bored. But when they were gone, grandpa Roger and I stuck with each other. The only other person I knew well was Beatrice at the diner, and mainly because she made the most amazing apple pie in the world. “You want to come in for a cup of coffee?”
He looked a bit shocked at my offer, it wasn’t exactly common for omegas to invite people into their homes, but something about him felt right and it was the hospitable thing to do. Not to mention he didn’t strike me as the ‘dangerous to be alone with’ sort. Plus, with the state of the house I hadn’t exactly gotten all territorial over things just yet.
“Sure,” Jack agreed, following me further into the house.
“Sorry it’s a bit of a mess, I haven’t even carried in all my stuff yet.”
“No worries. If you need help I’m just next door,” he offered.
“Thanks.” I smiled at him before pouring him a mug of coffee. Thankfully I’d thought ahead enough to pack it in my essentials box. “I hope you don’t want anything in it, because I have zero groceries.”
He grimaced but quickly tried to hide it. “That sounds perfect.”
The revelation had me a bit down as I didn’t take mine black either. The sweeter, the better. I slid his mug over to him and picked up my own, both of us taking a drink.