Page 15 of Brutal Heir
There’s nothing gentle in his movements, either. He’s teasing, flicking, and sucking on my clit, then dipping against my entrance with as much intensity as he devoured my mouth. He’s taking me, claiming me…and I want to split open and give every single ounce of myself over to his desires.
“Ahhh–!” He burrows desperately against me, his mouth working with such sinful intent. His teeth graze gently over my clit, and his tongue, like liquid fire, strokes through my folds. I’m so close I can’t focus on anything other than how he presses into me like I’m the most delicious thing he’s ever tasted.
Then suddenly, I’m crashing through the waves of ecstasy as he tears my orgasm out of me faster and harder than I can register. I bow off the table, my thighs trembling violently in his grip and my toes curling hard against nothing. I cry out, hoarse and desperate as I’m suspended in pleasure for a few drawn-out seconds. Nothing exists but his hot hands gripping my thighs and his hungry tongue licking me through my orgasm.
I slump back against the counter, panting heavily as sweat slicks over my body in a light sheen. My world spins, anchored only by Killian’s grey eyes boring down at me as he licks my pleasure from his lips like a devilish cat.
“Well, well,”he says smugly,and my chest heaves, desperate for the air his pleasure stole from me. My skin prickles as his eyes move over my body, admiring his handiwork. “That was fast.”
Embarrassment flushes up my neck and across my cheeks, and I slowly bring my arms back down to my side. My shoulders protest slightly from the change, but it’s a distant sensation as aftershocks of my orgasm tweak through my system. I prop myself up on my elbows, still working to regain my breath, and I can see his chest is heaving too.
“I’m sure that wasexcellentfor your ego,” I tease, and then he takes a step back, away from me.
What? No, I don't want this to be over yet!
This isn’t like the other times. Fuck my promise. Fuck my purity. Why should I be held in such high regard when everyone around me has been lying to me and using me for their gain?
“Cara,” he says slowly, with a slight edge to his voice. I glance down the length of his body, the bulge of arousal evident despite being hidden. He’s clearly just as turned on as I am. Now is not the time for him to be a gentleman and respect my purity.
I swallow hard.How can I persuade him I mean business this time?
I part my thighs wider and lift my legs to hook my heels onto the edge of the counter, so I’m bare and completely exposed to his gaze. I can’t breathe; I can barely think, so I turn all my energy into showing him how serious I am this time. His gray eyes are so dark I can’t see the color anymore, and he licks his lips slowly.
“IsaidI wanted you to fuck me,” I demand shakily, leaning myself back and trying to look as desirable as I can. I have no experience in this kind of situation, but it’s my best hope right now. “And-and if you don’t, I will—!”
My words die as his hand encircles my throat and he presses me firmly back onto the counter in a single, smooth motion. What little air remains in my lungs escapes me as his Killian fixes me with such an intense stare.
A sharpness pulls at my heart, weaving through my chest like a coil and spiraling down to my core.
I’m not afraid.
I want more.
His eyes are dark as he pins me there and I force my arms to stay loose against the counter, despite how much I want to feel the heat of his body beneath my fingertips. I can’t speak, can barely hear over the pounding of my heart in my chest as it lurches, trying to escape right into him.
Then his clothed hips grind hard against my pussy, and I know I’ve won.
“You’re fucking impossible, Cara,” he growls hoarsely and squeezes my throat tighter, his thumb and forefinger pressing beneath my ears to bring back the floaty, light-headed feeling again.
I desperately grind my hips down against his. Why is he still holding back?Then I feel the hot skin of the back of his hand brush against my pussy. He’s undoing his belt. His hand fumbles in his own desperation, and he pulls back, just for a second.
I cough as the pressure vanishes from my throat, sucking in a deep, much-needed breath. Then he’s back over me, a hot wall of flesh and heat trapping me against the counter, and all thought of breathing vanishes from my mind. I just wanthim.
He kisses me fervently as I drape my arms around his shoulders and desperately submit to the kiss. His hips grind forward, and my heart lilts in excitement as the thick ridge of his cock slides against my slickness. A bubble of anticipation bursts in my chest, and a prickle of apprehension follows.
Will it be bad? Will it hurt? Will he hate it?My heart thunders each one of these thoughts through the fog of desire, but my worry is soothed by each yearning stroke of his cockhead against me. I’d seen his length before and felt its weight and thickness in my palm, but it’s infinitely bigger when pressed against my pussy.
Is he even going to fit?
His arms cage me in like a trap I never want to leave, his cock teases my pussy with every short rutting thrust through my folds, and his mouth swallows down my moans like they’re a secret only for him. He’s teasing me, taunting me with what I want, and as the kiss breaks to deliver some much-needed air before my lungs explode, I sharply nip at his tongue as it leaves my lips.
Killian laughs darkly down at me and pauses.
“There’s the fire I like so much,” he murmurs as he lingers so close that we share the same air. My hands drift from his shoulders to trace a path down his thick, muscular arms, tracing the rise and fall of his sculpted physique until he catches both my wrists in one large hand and pins them above my head. A gasp escapes me, one that’s swallowed by another all-consuming kiss as the bones of my wrist shift uncomfortably under his grip. His grip istight. It’s unrelenting, and I’m pinned beneath his hands, beneath his body like a rabbit in a snare, yet I have never felt safer.
“Too much talking, Killian,” I taunt breathlessly the moment he leaves my swollen lips. Regret swells instantly as his hips thrust against me, driving a single curl of pleasure through me before he stops.
“Relax,tesorina,” he murmurs tenderly, and that nickname doesn’t feel like a taunt anymore. He pins me there, scanning me, and the sudden pause drives an itch through my bones. An itch to move, to grind up against him and satisfy the craving ache that’s building in my core. It’s impossible to tell if it’s the intensity of his gaze or the fact that every nerve in my body seems to be drunk on the desire to please him, but I refrain from giving in.