Page 29 of Brutal Love
I’m going to cum? From this?!
A second orgasm rips through me like stepping into a too-hot bath. It hits like a punch and every muscle in my body tenses up. I pull instinctively hard at Killian’s hair and he growls deeply against me. My legs jerk outwards and my toes curl so painfully but all of it is second to the intense hot ecstasy that drowns me for a few long seconds.
I’m tingling, wholly trapped and in those few seconds nothing else in the world matters but the hungry press of Killian’s mouth against my pussy.
Then I’m back in his arms, the hard press of the tiles gone from my back as he carries my twitching body out of the shower.
My pussyaches, throbbing with each desperate patter of my heart and I can’t focus on anything but his strong arms around me. Killian carries me through to the bedroom, depositing me gently on the bed and draping me with a towel by the time I remember how to speak.
“What,” I ask and my throat closes up faintly. Killian leaves the room, returning a moment later with a glass of water.
Of course.
“What was all that about?” I ask as I take the glass and slowly push myself up into a sitting position. My pussy complains against the entire movement.
Killian drops onto the bed next to me, tucking up near the pillows and uncaring as water clings like dew to his skin.
“I had some things to work out,” he comments as I take a sip of water.
“By beating my pussy?” I ask with a smirk, slowly pulling myself closer to him. Killian hadn’t seemed to want any attention on himself so whatever is getting to him must be important. I take another few gulps under Killian's watchful gaze as silence falls between us. Then I set the glass aside and grit my teeth against the pain to move closer to him.
“Not that it wasn’t amazing because… holy shit it was, but… what happened?” I ask, sinking into the pillows next to him. Killian sighs deeply.
“I… we…were attacked by the Russians. They hurt Archer but it wasn’t like before. They wanted to talk.”
“Talk?” I scoff, reaching for Killian’s hand. Logic tells me they walked out of the attack in one piece but fear flashes through my mind. Each time Killian leaves me for work could be the last time I see him.
“There’s a man. Feliks. He’s the brother of Grigoriy.” Killian’s eyes narrow and after a beat, he grips my hand. “He claims he’s in the process of overthrowing the Pakhan, that he wants peace and he’s offering it to us. Dante’s going to speak with Sienna about considering it. If this man is telling the truth then it could mean the end of everything. Peace between all the families.”
No wonder he had shit to work out.
“Holy shit,” I breathe out. “That’s big. Really big.”
“Yeah,” Killian grumbles faintly. “But the guy’s just an enforcer. I don’t see how he has this kind of power. He claims he’s fighting for the little guy, that the Russians are paying for mistakes they had no hand in.”
“We all know how that feels,” I reply absently, running my thumb over his knuckles. “What do you think?”
“I think the prospect of peace is too blinding and we could be walking into a trap but… Dante’s ordered a meeting. So I guess we’ll find out then.” Killian grits his teeth, his jaw popping faintly from the strength before he rolls over and draws me into his arms.
No matter what happens, I’ll support him the best I can, especially if it results in a workout like this.
Warmth trickles through me like a river, teasing my muscles awake before I’ve even fully pulled myself from a strange dream about Archer and wine tasting - tendrils of which flee my mind the moment I register a weight on my hips preventing me from rolling onto my side and stretching like normal. I couldn’t have slept for long either with how late I got in last night.
Then, the warmth starts to feel wet and my sleep-addled thoughts slowly piece together what’s happening; there’s a tantalizing wetness around my cock and the warmth isintensein my half sleep state.
That pulsing sensation suddenly gives way to a coil of pleasure and a muted, sleepy groan escapes me as I open one eye and glance down the length of my body to see Cara positioned between my thighs, hands on my hips and lips nursing slowly along my half hard cock which thickens quickly once realization sets in.
Well. Good morning to you too.
“Cara?” Voice thick with sleep, I slowly prop myself up onto my elbows as her dark eyes flick up the length of my body, then her pink tongue darts out to lap over the swollen head of my cock sending a skittering of goosebumps across my skin and tightness into my abdomen.
“Good morning,” she purrs up at me.