Page 52 of Brutal Love
I can’t fathom how I would survive seeing Cara in the hospital, I can only imagine how difficult it was for her to see me like that. All the more reason to get back into things as quickly as possible.
“Sounds nice.”
She flashes me a smile and busies herself with the chopping. A wet strand of hair slips from behind her ear, dangling down to frame her face as she works and something about it just makes her look so much softer.
She stands there, dewy fresh skin clad in a white towel with bruising forming around her neck. My perfect girl.
Music fills the room a second later.Is that my phone?
Oh shit.
I hadn’t exactly told everyone I was leaving the hospital. Sliding from the stool, I head to the lounge where I discarded my jacket and locate my phone to see Dante’s name flashing on the screen.
“Dante,” I begin but he immediately cuts me off.
“Are you fucking stupid!?” he yells. “Do you have any idea how scared I was to hear you were gone? Anything could have happened to you!”
“I’m okay!” I insist and yet his anger warms my chest unexpectedly. Our relationship has definitely improved but to hear such concern is unexpected.
“Clearly not, there’s something fucked up in your head!” Dante snaps.
“Thanks,” I chuckle. “Look, I’m at home, I’m with Cara and there are enough guards out there that I’m safe. I just couldn’t stay there a moment longer, I’m sorry.”
Dante takes a deep, audible breath and Sienna’s tones flurry in the background.
“Just…” Dante begins and the restraint in his voice is clear. “Just please let me know next time. Not that I ever want there to be a next time but… please.”
“Absolutely.” I retake my seat as the scent of warm, melted chocolate teases my nose.
“Well… since you’re up and around, I need you. Tomorrow Feliks wants to meet and I want you there. If he’s behind your poisoning, or any Russian is, I want you strong by my side showing that you’re alive.” Dante pauses. “If you’re up for it.”
“Give me the details. I’ll be there.” There’s no way in hell I’m letting any Russian think they’ve got one over on me.
Dante fills me in on the meet and hangs up, leaving all my attention to drift back to Cara as she sets a warm mug of cocoa before me, then slides onto the stool next to me with a whimper.
“Fucking hell,” she groans, “I can barely sit down.”
“As it should be,” I smirk and she shoots me a look.
“I have to leave tomorrow, help Dante with something with Feliks. I don’t want to leave you alone so soon but this is important.” I’m not asking for permission but I keep my tone light.
“I’ll be fine,” she assures with a warm smile. “I want to reach out to Blair anyway. I’ve been sending her to voicemail since your accident because I was too focused on you.”
Oh shit, of course. Blair.
I wrap my hands around the mug and lift it up, closing my eyes briefly as the warmth and sweet scent pulls me right back to my childhood, Dante and I sneaking down to the kitchens for things we weren’t allowed.
It warms me the same way Cara’s determination to accept this child warms me. It’s still an anomaly given Blair’s caginess but the more I dwell on it, the more I know I didn’t present her with a good enough environment to spring a child on me.
Can’t say I blame her after I threatened her. Maybe loving a child finally thawed some of the ice in her heart.
I take a sip and Cara watches me over the edge of her own mug as sweetness explodes over my tongue.
“Beautiful,” I say and Cara’s cheeks flush as she takes her own drink.
I’ll help Dante with Feliks, and clear away the Russians while Cara tackles Blair.
It’ll be smooth sailing with us as a team, I’m sure.