Page 110 of Cole’s Dilemma
Eva had pushed herself into the Slade home because there had been something about them that was so delightful, so beautiful, because even West with all his problems, was better than a lot of guys she’d met in Nashville.
Such a great recommendation!
She had comforted herself that Lily had begged to see her for Thanksgiving, but Eva conceded that almost at first sight, West’s mother had quickly relegated her to pumpkin festival duty. Even their saintly mother knew that she was pretty worthless in normal situations.
Eva leaned her head back, unable to keep the stress from the last few hours from coming out in her tears. She didn’t belong in the sweet town of Harvest Ranch. She’d suspected it from the beginning, but that reality had been pounded into her further, so that the thought of fitting into this perfect family was absolutely ludicrous.
Pushing her purse into her aching stomach, she concentrated on the leather as she did her best to distract herself from her own pain and how much it would hurt to leave Cole… and everything she imagined their future would’ve been. A cute little home in the country, inviting over the neighbors for a barbecue, raising farm animals, happy kids… all of her dreams had been cut cruelly from her, so that she was aware that every beat of her heart hurt.
The stress of the past few days, plus losing the Slade Momma was too much, feelings she had no right to feel, but still did.
Eva stood up and ran down the hall, desperate to escape the maze of this hospital. Finally, seeing the exit, she rushed for it and escaped into the bliss of a busy world outside. She hurried past laughing holiday shoppers, done with their Thanksgiving meals and ready for some Christmas deals. She’d been normal like them only hours earlier… well, as normal as she ever was.
Not knowing where to go, she hurried to the hotel that West had reserved over the phone on their way over. They hadn’t known how many days they’d be here, though judging by West’s phone conversation, it wouldn’t be long.
Poor Cole. Poor West. Strange that she could feel so bad for the man who had ruined her life.
Eva tried to catch her breath as she rushed down the street. The sun was lowering over the high rises, and the cloudy sky was swirling above her in a soup of orange and pink. She prayed for strength:Dear God, I’m sure I’m still not doing this communication thing right with You, but here it goes: I love that man, and I don’t want to ruin him, but I feel so awful when I’m not with him. What am I supposed to do? If I’m being an idiot, help me see that and soon, because there’s no one I trust but Cole to talk to about this right now, and obviously… that’s not going to work.
Also? West needs You. He’s in too deep with my daddy’s company and he was too prideful to admit it until now. He was mean and a big jerk, and I’m so mad with him right now, but… is this his cry for help?
She turned the corner and felt her phone vibrating with a call. She picked it up and saw her daddy was calling.
Her stomach dropped, but she answered it anyway.
“Honey! Do you know how worried I’ve been! Why didn’t you answer my calls? I thought something horrible had happened.”
She sniffed, strangling back her sobs. Her flurried emotions were overtaking any reserve she might’ve felt with him after hearing West’s revelations. “Daddy, you love me, don’t you?”
“Of course, baby. What’s this all about?”
She realized that she could fix some of this. West needed to be free of them all. “I think you should fire West,” she said.
“Fire West? What? Why?”
How did Eva do this without getting West killed? If her daddy’s business was stitched solely together by corruption, like the Sopranos, then there was no escaping itthateasily. “I just think West is having a mental breakdown. He thinks that I’m going for his brother.”
“Now wait a minute,” her father grumbled. “I sawthaton your little social media stunt. My assistant showed me a clip…”
She forced a laugh. “Ha. Ha. Ha!” It sounded more like an evil snigger, and she didn’t like the sound, but she still pushed through. “That was just me being silly, Daddy. Anyway, you’re right about me attracting bad attention. I need to come back home and…” be trapped under his protection forever. Love was definitely not in the cards for her. Her bleak future crushed down on her. “I just need to stay with you for a while. I miss you.”
“What’s going on?” Her daddy was getting suspicious. “Did West’s brother break your heart?”
“No!” she shouted out, and then she swallowed, trying for a calmer sound. “He’s the sweetest guy I’ve ever met.” And then to her horror, she broke down crying.
Nothing was sure to alarm her daddy more. “Where are you?”
“Charleston. I’m headed home now.”
“I’ve got your phone on my tracker. I’m on my way.”
“You’reon your way?” She laughed through her tears. That was a little overboard, but she listened to him shouting out to his assistant. “Cancel my appointments for the rest of the day, and get me a jet to Charleston.”
“Daddy!” She was still livid with him for what he’d done to West. He’d ruined her life… and he didn’t know anything else. He was a big blundering sea lion that squished everything that moved. Her father and Eva were so alike, it wasn’t funny. “I love you,” she said. “Don’t worry about getting me. I’m taking a plane home.” She’d get her bags at the hotel and go.
He argued, but she wouldn’t take “no” for an answer. She had to exert her independence now or she’d never have any say on her life again. “You’ve got to trust me on this Daddy. I’ve got this.” She hung up and walked through the foyer, pressing down the button next to the elevators to get to the twenty-third floor. A burly man stood outside the elevators as she came out. His eyes were on his phone, but they shifted to her. She ducked her head, not feeling like attracting any more attention today.
As she neared the room, she took out her key, suddenly in a hurry. It was weird. She had a strange feeling that the guy had been more than curious about her.