Page 127 of Cole’s Dilemma
Nowthatsounded familiar. With difficulty, he kept his eyes from going to Eva as the hard truth that had tormented him all afternoon finally broke through his jealous thoughts. Cole hadn’t protected her when he should’ve. His brother had even warned him that her daddy would try to separate them, and Cole hadn’t listened. No wonder she’d gone for West in the end. His sins stretched before him in a desert of error and regret.
What would Eva do if he gave this snapdragon to her?
“And so, Cole, Lily says that though you’ve the grace of a dragon,” Cadence said. “You also have it in you to love like a dragon and fight like a dragon. Never give up, never surrender, never turn your back on the ones you love.”
Cole felt like he’d been slapped on the side of the head, thrown upside down, and shaken by a heavenly hand to make him pay attention.Thiswas what he’d been missing.
Without wasting a second more, he let his eyes wander back to Eva and stay there. For the first time that afternoon, he saw her for what she truly was.
“I won’t turn my back on anyone,” he said with more conviction than he’d ever felt before.
What did it matter if his pride had been hurt?
She’d smiled too much when he’d been in pain?
And maybe she didn’t even want him? It sure looked like it. What was that to love? Over and over, he’d been given the charge of charity, even if it was hard.
His gaze ripped from Eva to his sister-in-law. It made sudden sense why Momma had chosen Cadence to be the spokeswoman to express her final words of sentiment on this earth. Cole tried to explain what was running through his mind to her, not sure why he felt the need, except… this meant a lot to him. “My momma was the glue, and I promised her before we lost her that I’d take over that. Family meant everything to her.” He gulped, as the full meaning of what he’d said dawned on him. “It does to me too. Maybe I won’t be the best at keeping us together, but I won’t turn my back on anyone… not the ones in my life now, and not the ones who are meant to be in it.”
They were brave words. He wanted, more than anything, to back them up. Cole could only pray that when it came down to it, he could do it, for Eva, for West… even if his brother meant to steal everything he ever cared about.
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Was West right? Would Cole come to her?
Eva’s stomach hurt from its ache of disappointment. She could barely hope that he’d actually slay dragons for her after what she’d done. Still… at the very least he had to hear her out.
Her doubts made it so she could barely stay in one place.
Cole talked to his sister-in-law near the railing of the gazebo. He took a steadying breath through those expressive lips that Eva still remembered feeling against her own. Cole held a fiery orange snapdragon.
Of course, his momma had chosen a snapdragon for him. It was one of Eva’s favorites and it was exactly who he was—so fiery and lively and full of life. Even now, Cole gathered his sister-in-law in a generous bear hug. His jacket was a little tight against his muscles, a common look for him. The memory of those arms around her had also been seared in Eva’s memory.
She groaned. Great! Just perfect. She’d forgotten nothing. His kisses, his tender looks, his hands! Cole stepped back from Cadence, tucking the flower into the front pocket of his jacket. He pushed his fingers into his pocket, and then changing his mind, ran them down the sides of his jeans, like he didn’t know where to put them.
Eva had plenty of ideas for him.
Why couldn’t she run to him, hold those fidgeting hands, rub his fingers consolingly, kiss his cheek?
Oh, what she wanted didn’t matter, did it? She was the worst! The horrible part was realizing how right everyone was about her—shewasa spoiled princess. She needed to beg Cole for forgiveness, not play these games that West insisted on.
Cole turned then and locked eyes with her through the crowd. She froze, feeling the strength of his passionate gaze fixing her in place. Straightening his shoulders, Cole patted his sister-in-law on the arm and left his comfortable hangout spot near the gazebo to head straight for Eva.
This is it.
She steadied herself. Her heart raced like it belonged to a frightened animal. What if Cole planned to let her have it for crashing his momma’s funeral? He had every right to be angry at her, for leaving him, and for—for leading him on! Eva hadn’t, of course—she was still madly in love with him—but Cole would still accuse her of playing with him.
Well, at least they’d be talking!
The guy looked far too attractive to be putting her in her place. His jaw tightened as he came for her. His blue eyes were devastating. She couldn’t read him at all right now.
Kylee came up behind Cole like a crocodile and wrapped her arms around him.
Eva startled.
No, no, no! Kylee tried to pass off her flirtatious move as purely charitable. She rubbed Cole’s broad shoulder as he turned to her to accept her consoling words. She wrapped herself around him. The girl was a python!