Page 24 of Cole’s Dilemma
West already had too much to deal with.
Eva stuffed her phone into her purse. She’d never gone so long without running through her apps or posting something on TalkieTalk, but now it felt more like keeping a personal spy in her pocket rather than possessing the gateway to a glimmering and shiny world of freedom and excitement at her fingertips. The consequences of fame felt heavy, oppressive… boring.
Completely and utterly boring. Yuck.
Everyone was being creepy in their own way. She’d never had so many people try to tell her what to do than the ones online did—from viewers telling her not to “frolic” so much, to others who thought that they could dictate to her how to do her hair because they were offended somehow.
It got to the point that she couldn’t respond, vote, or think without a line being crossed. It felt worse than trying to stay on top in high school. The bullies were taking over and the fun of just being herself was gone.
And forget about doing a TalkieTalk in Harvest Ranch to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! There was no way that she’d give away her location, so that any more of these creepers could find her.
So yeah, she had every intention of enjoying the anonymity and freedom that a small town brought. Besides, it had been too long since she could just enjoy the moment and not worry what the world thought of her… food, her daddy, her makeup… her clothes.
Eva had unwittingly built a prison for herself, and if she could let go of her need to hear the latest gossip or to share her spontaneous thoughts or adventures to an insta-audience, then she could walk away from it.
The trick lay in creating relationships in real time, and to not see the world as a digital landscape where millions of fascinating faces in her imagination could be reached, but to see what was physically around her and to concentrate on the details.
She turned to West as he helped his momma with the heavy pitcher of lemonade.
Funny, that grounding herself in what was happening in front of her used to be the definition of boring. Now, it was the only thing keeping her sane.
Lily finally allowed her son to bring over most of the snacks to the end table, though she’d insisted on carrying the crackers.
Letting out a content sigh, Eva’s future mother-in-law settled into the white couch across from her. Lily was both smiling and out of breath from her travails in the kitchen. She still hadn’t given Eva leave to call her “momma,” and Lily seemed too formal to use at this point, so Eva just touched her hand. “I’m so thrilled to finally get to know the family better.”
West’s momma tensed up. Her back straightened. It could be pain or she just didn’t like the thought of Eva becoming a part of the family. Taking a deep breath, Eva reminded herself that Lily had insisted that she come as much as Eva had. Years of getting yelled at for not minding her own business crossed her mind, and so she stopped herself from asking Lily how she was doing, and offered her help instead. “I’m not amazing at putting together a turkey or–or at cooking…” She avoided West’s eyes, in case he thought that was bad, “but I’m more than happy to do whatever you ask me to do in the kitchen.”
“No, no,” Lily argued. “I want you to enjoy yourself.”
“I will! I love helping. I can do dishes. I’m great at them.”
“You’re my guest!” Lily feebly argued.
But Cadence and EmilyandMimi had helped with the dinners the last time that they were all together. Before she could push her case, West’s hand squeezed Eva’s arm. Glancing over at him, she saw the quick shake of his head.
Oh! Maybe she was exhausting Lily with her offers of help. Entertaining while trying to prepare a Thanksgiving dinner might be draining in her condition.
“Or…” Eva said carefully, “I’m great with kids, of course. I could hang out with them.”
“You are so good with Charlie and Pip,” Lily said, beaming at her with that sweet, though fragile smile. “They absolutely adore you. I couldn’t get them to stop talking about you…” Eva brightened, imagining all the adventures that she could take them on. “They will be with their mother for most of the holiday,” Lily admitted, “but I’m sure you’ll see them… at some point.”
So… Eva was supposed to donothing?
This was what came from presenting herself to the world as a flighty socialite. Sometimes people couldn’t fathom that she might want to be something more.
“I’m sure West can show you around while you’re here,” Lily said. “He can take you horseback riding, show you the land. I know last time you had to leave early after your surprise engagement, so, maybe now you can take some time to get to know the place.”
“Ah,” West said, not verbally agreeing to that in the least. The disinterest in his eyes deadened his expression. He wasn’t about to explain to his mother that he was multitasking them all with his work.
“You should take Eva to the greenhouse,” his momma said. “Have you shown Eva my ‘Beloved’ yet?”
Ah yes, Lily’s Beloved. The prized dark red perennial reminded Eva of the Beauty and the Beast rose. Eva had been blown away by it! Still, she couldn’t resist teasing West. “Your beloved?” she asked. “Who are you talking about? West?”
West gave her cheek an obligatory kiss for the compliment under Lily’s warm chuckles. “No, the Beloved is Momma’s favorite rose,” he said. “Don’t you remember me showing that to you when you were here last time?”