Page 8 of Cole’s Dilemma
Cole, however, did enjoy watching him struggle under Eva Trout’s luggage. West met his eyes over the slick cases. “You going to just stand there and smirk?”
West could count on it. “You’re doing a great job,” Cole said, encouragingly.
“Nash! Emily!” their mother squealed to the side of them. “You also got married?”
“What?” Cole swiveled to see Emily holding out her ring finger to his momma so that she could inspect the diamond that Nash had put on her finger.
Unbelievable! The twins had pulled a lot of pranks in their lifetime, but this was actually… impressive. Nash’s twin, Porter, had taken off with his adorably sweet girlfriend, Cadence, to the justice of the peace a few weeks ago, and he’d kept it secret from Nash. And now Nash looked like he was bringing Emily home as his wife?
How had they actually pulled off the surprise of the century?
His mother gasped—more daughters-in-law meant more grandchildren!
West set the luggage aside and reached across the threshold to lead in the most stunningly gorgeous woman that Cole had ever seen. It didn’t take an idiot to figure out that this was the infamous Eva Trout.
Her long blonde hair bounced against her back, smooth like silk, but irresistibly soft and curly. The next thing he noticed were those long legs of hers. No doubt, those jean shorts were meant to show off all that skin. She screamed money. Her clothes, though simple enough to belong on a rack at Walmart, were soft with just the right stretch and cut that advertised fashion icon.
She was perfect for West.
Eva swept a self-assured smile across the room. There was a deep dimple in that cheek. She was trouble with a capital “T.”
His momma’s eyes swerved to Eva, and the young socialite bit her lip self-consciously. “So, West, did you…?” Momma couldn’t quite get it out. “Did you…?”
“What she means to ask is whoisn’tmarried here?” Cole asked.
His momma elbowed him, but Eva softened Cole’s insolence with an indulgent look. She raised her hand like she was the best student in class. “Me! We’re not married.”
“Wait.” Their father came down the stairs, rubbing a towel through his wet hair. “Did I just hear Nash and Emily are married?”
Nash had the good sense to look nervous. Emily had no such misgivings; she just ran to her new father-in-law and threw her arms around him with an excited cry. “Yes! I’ve never been so happy!”
That softened their old man up. There were benefits to having women in the family.
“What do I call you?” Emily asked him. “Dad? Father? Jase?”
“How about the old man?” Nash suggested with a laugh. His wife gasped, scandalized, and he kissed her cheek.
While Nash tried to explain to their father that they’d gotten married in Hawaii, Eva swung around to West, putting her hands behind her back as she gave him a coy smile. “WhenIget married, I’m headed down the aisle of Shelby Street Bridge ahead of a big brass band with all my friends dancing and singing behind me,” she said in an undertone. “No way am I tying the knot without my daddy giving me away to the love of my life. You’d better remember that.”
West stared at her. The muscle at his jaw ticked… actually ticked. Wasn’t that just a thing that soap opera guys did? Cole broke into a grin. He’d never seen West so off his game. His older brother covered his unease well, but Cole saw right through him.
“So who is this love of your life you’re marrying?” Cole goaded West as he turned to Eva to question her. “Have you met this lucky guy yet?”
His momma elbowed him yet again.
“I might’ve,” Eva said softly.
“Whoever he is, hewillbe a lucky man,” West said.
His brother had quickly regained his usual charm. Cole wasn’t going to let him. “Maybe he should identify himself?”
“I’ll leave it up to Eva to figure out,” West said. He gave her the “look.”
Cole groaned at the smarmy trick. Such a cop-out. He almost felt sorry for Eva. She might be a spoiled socialite, but she didn’t deserve to be led a merry dance like West did to the rest of them. Just like any cold-blooded chameleon, West was good at turning into whoever anyone needed him to be to get what he wanted, then he’d try on the skin of a snake and devour his victims.
His ex, Liv, could attest to that.
West tucked Eva’s silky hair behind her ear. Cole watched on with distaste as she melted into happy smiles. It would be different if West meantanythingby it, but he played perfect “boyfriend” just like he played perfect son. West jetted home at least three times a month to drive Momma to her doctor appointments and her rehab in Charleston.