Page 10 of Craving Them
We held onto one another’s hands as we danced to the tune and got lost in the music. I willed myself to push the negative thoughts away and enjoyed being with my best friend again after so long. I’d missed her so much because we could be silly girls together. We could let loose and be free. No matter what happened or how many thousands of miles apart, we’d always hold a place in each other’s lives.We whooped and continued to rock to the music.
I looped my arms around my bestie’s shoulders. “I missed you, Sin.”
She wrapped her arms around my middle. “I love you, Lou.”
After a while, I broke away from Sienna and went to the bar in search of water.
Harris came up beside me and looped his arm around my body, running his hand up and down my side.
His touch sent thrills through me.
“Feel better?” he asked.
I nodded at him. “It’s such a good band.”
“I agree. But that’s not what I meant.”
“Then what did you mean?” I asked, looking up at him.
“I’m sure Jack didn’t mean anything by what he said back there.”
Oh.Harris was talking about the kid thing. So, he did notice my adverse reaction.
“I know. I-it’s fine. I’m fine.” I shrugged and turned to the barman. “Water, please.”
“I know when you’re lying, princess.”
The cool liquid soothed my throat as I sipped from the glass. “I’ll have to bite the bullet and tell him, that’s all. I’ll have to tell everyone.” When I released a shaky breath,Harris wrapped both arms around me and rubbed my back.“I like this tender side of you,” I murmured against his collarbone.
After a time, he replied, “You’re the only one who gets to see it.”
I hid my smile by nuzzling his neck and closing my eyes. Drawing in his scent, I tried to settle my racing heart.
How would I break the news to the others that I couldn’t have children?
No matter what I did, that question would rattle around in my mind until I did.
I pulled back from my hot chef. “I’m going to take some of this water to Sienna.”
Harris took my hand. “I’ll come with you.”
We moved back to the stage, and I found her talking to a man with a blond beard, styled blond hair that was shaved at the sides, and dressed in a smart blue suit, sans tie.
“I’ve been watching you and your friend dance, and I’m impressed by your enthusiasm,” the man said as we approached.
“Well, the band’s that good,” Sienna answered with the slightest quirk of her lips.
“I’m glad you think so, love.”
“Are you a member of the band?” I asked.
“I sure am.” He winked at me. “I deal with all the important things.”
“Isn’t his accent adorable?” Sienna cooed at the guy’s Londoner accent.