Page 32 of Craving Them
We found our way to a café that served the desired treats, but before I could sit down, Eric took me by the arm and dragged me into a small alcove away from the others. He pinned me with a serious look. “When are you going to tell the others what happened between you and Tate?”
My face fell. “I’m not going to.”
“Lou,” he scolded.
“If I tell them, that means I have to break Jack’s heart by telling him he can’t be a dad if he stays with me. After what happened with Tate, I can’t do that. I don’t think I could handle more rejection. Besides which, I don’t want to ruin the day.”Eric gritted his teeth, and I inwardly cringed at the anger in his eyes. I covered my eyes with my hands to hide the tears welling up again. “I feel so inadequate.”
Eric’s lips brushed across my forehead. “You’re not, Louisa.”
I pressed into his chest and listened to his heart beating.
“I hate that he’s done this to you.” Eric gently stroked my hair.
With a sniffle, I brushed the tears away and blinked my eyes rapidly to disperse the rest. I stepped away from him and shook myself. “I’ll tell them tonight. Not about the Tate thing, but about my infertility. I’ll talk to Byron alone and tell Royce and Jack after the pantomime. I truly want to enjoy the day being a tourist with you all.”
“Okay, sweetheart.” Eric kissed me gently and followed me to the couches we’d occupied.
“Ooh, I see our order has arrived.” My eyes went wide at the sight of the spread on the coffee table between our seats. I sat down beside Byron and leaned forward to inspect. My mouth watered at the sight of the scones with strawberry jam and clotted cream.
Royce held up a fine bone China teacup. “This is French vanilla tea. It’s the best damn tea I’ve ever tasted. We’ve totally gotta take some with us.”
Byron poured me some and handed me a cup of my own. “It is good.”
“Thank you, Lord Byron.”
Byron chuckled. “I’m hardly him.”
“I don’t know. You’re romantic and tend to say poetically romantic things. But given his reputation, you’re better, as far as I’m concerned.”
Eric leaned back into his seat. “Mom was known to enjoy Lord Byron’s poems.”
Byron nodded. “I know. I was named after him.”
“Maybe there’s power in the name.” I filled my voice with a sense of mysticism.
Royce held in a laugh, though it appeared he probably agreed with me.
Byron picked up half of a scone and raised it to my mouth. “Let’s find out how tasty this is.”
I took a bite, and my taste buds lit up.
“Well, if the look on your face is any indication, I’d say it passes the Louisa Kembry quality control.” Eric picked up a piece of his own and tried them for himself. “Mmm… I approve of this tradition.”
“We should get some plum pudding and custard for Christmas dessert. That’s both an Australian and an English tradition,” I informed them.
Eric waved his fork at me. “We can organize that.”
Royce got up and walked across to the counter. I watched him curiously as he spoke to the lady there.
“What’s he doing?” Jack muttered.
The woman went to the glass cabinet and pulled out a round package wrapped in a white cloth tied with a Christmas ribbon. Royce wrote something down on a card the lady tied to the parcel with brown twine. My heart pounded as money was exchanged, then Royce was carrying the parcel over to me. Bending down, he captured my gaping mouth in a kiss as he set the heavy package in my arms.
“You got me plum pudding,” I said between kisses.
“Mm-hmm.” Royce kissed me again.
“You waltzed up there and bought me plum pudding like a total boss.”Royce laughed against my lips.“I totally love you, surfer boy.”