Page 45 of Craving Them
Lou closed her eyes and lifted her face toward the showerhead.
I watched the water cascade down over her curves, sloughing the soap from her soft skin until it was washing away down the drain. If I weren’t careful, that’s where my relationship with her would end up. I’d figure out a solution to the baby thing, but right now, salvaging the relationship I’d damaged was more important. More important than the future of Rawlins Industries.
Wasn’t that a revelation?
Lou turned off the water, and I immediately picked up the nearest towel and held it open for her as she stepped out of the stall. She glared at me again and stayed put, but eventually, she began to shiver.
I shook my head. “Push aside that pride of yours for a moment, Lou.”
“You’re one to talk.” Nevertheless, she stepped into me and allowed me to wrap her up in the soft material and my arms.
Tendrils of desire rolled down my body as she nuzzled into my neck. I couldn’t help it as I rubbed her all over.
“Sex won’t solve this, you know.” Her lips grazed the stubble beneath my jaw as she spoke.
“I know.” Regardless of how much I wished it would, I knew she was right.
She pressed against me, and her eyes fluttered closed for an instant.
I stroked her coloring cheeks with the backs of my fingers. “As much as we deny it, though, the attraction between us is always powerful.” I traced my thumb over her bottom lip, and she released a quiet sigh. Her breath whispered against my touch. She angled her face toward mine, and I lowered my mouth to hers.
It was her turn to growl as she shoved me back and stepped out of my embrace. “I’m going to bed.Alone!”
She wrapped her towel tighter around her body and shuffled toward the bathroom door. Her frustration rolled off her in waves, but she still looked back at me before she stepped into the bedroom, and I couldn’t help noticing her flushed cheeks.
I smiled to myself.
“Good morning, bestie!” Sienna waved her hand in the air at me from down the street.
I bounced on the balls of my feet and attempted to wave at her over the throng of people moving along Brompton Road in Knightsbridge, eager to go about our last-minute Christmas shopping. We squealed like two hyped-up teenagers when we hugged each other in front of Harrods.
I stared up at the green canvas awning above our heads. “Holy shit, Sin, it’s Christmas Eve, and you’re taking me Christmas shopping in Harrods! You’re amazing.”
She linked her arm through mine, and we headed into the store. “Only the best for my girl. Hopefully, we’ll be able to find some decent gifts for our significant others.”
“Speaking of significant others, I saw Jeremy kiss you at the panto the other night.” I eyed her.
She pursed her lips and stroked one of the handbags on display.
I pushed her. “So, what’s the deal? Have you and Ruben broken up?”
“No. No, not all. I’m crazy about Ruben, Lou. I also happen to be crazy about Jeremy as well as Cruz and a certain nobleman I worked with for a while.” Sienna bit her bottom lip. “Ruben is totally on board with me dating multiple people.”
My jaw dropped so hard, I thought it would unhinge itself.
“Don’t judge me,” she snapped.
I dragged her behind a glass cabinet. “Judge you? Sienna, do you honestly think I’m in a position to judge you? Me, with my… you-know-how-many guys? I think it’s hot as shit.”
Her brown eyes lit up. “Isn’t it? I don’t think I’ve ever been more sexually adventurous in my life."
I couldn’t have agreed with her more. “Sharing yourself and others is such an intimate and sensual experience. It can be a fantastic way to bring you closer together if you’re in the right frame of mind.”
“I now understand why you fell for so many men. It’s so easy when they’re making you the center of attention, and you know that’s my favorite place to be.” Sienna flipped her hair, and we moved through the department.