Page 48 of Craving Them
“Maisy’s Mixer.”
Lou dug into her clutch and pulled her phone out. “Do I find you on a website?”
“Yeah, and on social media.”
I smiled to myself. Leave it to Lou to make gal pals with a random stranger on a red carpet full of the who’s who of London Town. Our girl had no airs and graces whatsoever. I wasn’t sure about the other guys, but it was one of the reasons I adored her.
“What’s your name?” The blogger asked.
“Louisa Kembry.”
“Ah-ha! Got you. You just scored a new follower, Louisa.”
Louisa’s resulting giggle was self-conscious but joyful all at once. “I’m following you, too, Maisy.”
“So, sorry to turn back into blogger mode here…”She was in interview mode when she turned to talk to me. I guess there were some things women shared that they never would with us guys. “I have to say the holidays are a great time of year for parties and galas in London. What brings you to this one in particular?”
“We’re here on behalf of my brother and Rawlins Industries. He couldn’t be here tonight due to other commitments, and philanthropy is right up my alley. I was the perfect candidate to represent the company.”
Lou gazed up at me as she hugged my arm. “Back home, Eric runs a community center and soup kitchen for the less fortunate.”
“Lou helps out there.”
“Well, then, I certainly need a photograph of this selfless couple right here in front of me.” Maisy winked at us.
With a roll of her eyes, Lou laughed and said, “All right then.”
We held one another close and smiled for Maisy’s camera. A cheer erupted from down the way.
“Holy crap, that’s the Viscount of Yorkshire. Uh, thank you, and have a great night.” Maisy could barely contain her excitement as she raced toward the crowd of people who had gathered at the roadside.
“So much for that new friendship. She threw you straight under the bus, Lou-Lou.” I patted Lou’s shoulder.
Lou stood on her tiptoes and peered over at the commotion. “What if it’s William?”
I cocked an eyebrow at her. “Last I heard, he was a prince and duke, not a viscount.”
“Oh, right.” Lou glanced at the door. “Come on, let’s get inside where it’s warm.”
Once we were away from the red carpet, a woman asked for our names and directed us to a room downstairs that was already full of people. It had a nightclub kind of air, but in the middle of the room was a runway with chairs all around it, and it was bathed in purple light. Down from a further set of stairs was a bar area and booths where the light was brighter. Music was playing overhead while a band was setting up on stage as more and more guests arrived.
“There’s absolutely going to be a fashion show.” Lou’s eyes lit up at the sight of the runway.
Sienna was making her way over to us. “Hell, yeah, there is, and guess who’s in charge of it? Me… and some other people. Have you seen Augustus?”
“Who?” I asked as she and Sienna briefly hugged.
“My big star model.” She threw up her hands, dangerously waving the clipboard she had a hold of. “He was supposed to be here before the party began. He’s also supposed to be my wingman to try to help raise funds for the hospital. I mean, everyone in the country loves him, so they’ll never say no to donating if he’s the poster child for it. He’sliterallythe poster child for it.” Sienna picked up a donation tin from a table. The face of a debonaire-looking guy stared back at us from the picture on its side. “Augustus Louis Charles Huntington, III, Viscount of Yorkshire. He’s the arrogant, self-entitled jackass who I’ve been forced to work with since coming to this otherwise fantastic city. He also happens to be the face of our latest campaign. If he’s not here ASAP, I’m going to kill him. That is if my boss doesn’t killmefirst.”
“Oh, he’s here.” Lou jabbed her thumb in the direction of the entryway. “He was arriving when we came in.”
“Is he on the red carpet by himself?” Sienna asked through gritted teeth.
Lou answered carefully. “Possibly…”
She gripped her clipboard extra hard and stormed off.
“Did she growl?” I pointed to the brunette’s receding figure.