Page 18 of A Hard Time
“No. Youwantedme to call you. There’s a difference, Bat-Boy.”
“You’re planning on fighting me every step of the way aren’t you, Marigold?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I deny, lying through my teeth.
“There’s something you should know about me, baby.”
I bite my lip because something about the way he said baby just now causes my entire body to vibrate.
“What’s that?” I ask, my voice breathy.
“I live for a challenge and when people tell me I can’t do something it makes me that more determined to do it.”
“What’s that mean?” I ask, refusing to panic.
“It means keep making things hard for me, baby. All you’re doing is making me more determined to claim you.”
“Claim me? I’m not baggage you pick up at the airport.”
“Trust me, I know that, Marigold,” he croons and then before I realize what he’s doing, he leans in and takes my mouth in the hottest, sweetest kiss ever given.
I don’t even think to fight him. I give in instantly. I could make excuses, but the truth is I’ve missed Slater’s kiss since the moment our first kiss ended. I’ve missed being surrounded by his heat, the feel of his hands on me and most of all I’ve missed his taste on my tongue. In fact, I whimper when he pulls away and I’m not a bit ashamed to say that I wrap my hand around the back of his neck and pull him back to kiss him longer. This time, I’m the aggressor. My tongue searches his out, groaning as devour his mouth, needing more of him in any way that I can get him. My reward is that when we break apart it is Slater that looks stunned and lost in hunger.
“You’re going to wait for me after the game and we’re going to spend time together tonight, Marigold. The running stops now,” he all but growls.
“What if I have plans?” I ask and I know I’m playing with fire but unable to resist.
“Then, change them. Whatever plans you have, include me tonight, baby. If you even think about standing me up, I’ll find you and you won’t like how I retaliate.”
“Is that a threat, Bat-Boy?”
“No, Marigold, that’s a promise,” he says with a wink, his words soft and full of promise.
I watch as he walks away. Hell, I couldn’t look away even if I tried.
Kage lets out a whistle. “You’re in trouble, girl.”
“I think I might be,” I admit with a sigh.
“Your brother doesn’t look happy right now.”
Slater is jogging across the field and Green is yelling, his face red. Kage is right. He is pissed. Slater adjusts the hat on his head and listens to his coach, but he doesn’t say shit. He keeps walking toward the dugout. I’m going to have to talk to my brother and hope it gets him past whatever objections he has to me living my life. I need to do that soon because I have a feeling that Slater Daniels is going to be a fixture in my world.
At least until our mutual itches have been scratched…
“If you don’t quit staring at my sister, I’m going to kick your ass, Slater.”
I look over at Green and smirk. Until he called me out, I honestly didn’t realize I was staring at her. She’s been laughing with Kage and getting animated during the game, though and I’ve been enjoying it because she’s happy. Marigold Lucas happy is a freaking good sight.
“You best get to kicking, because I can’t seem to stop,” I tell him honestly.
“Asshole, she’s not one of your chicks on the road. My sister is a good woman and not the kind of you play with.”
“Did I tell you I was planning on playing with her? I grumble.