Page 27 of A Hard Time
“What’s going on with you and Slater Daniels?”
I close my eyes. I knew this was coming, I was just hoping against hope that it wouldn’t. I should have known better. With my brothers, nothing is ever easy.
“You must give him time. He’s new to the team. I thought he was doing better, I mean, he scored a lot tonight,” I respond blankly.He’ll score even more tonight.
“Hardy-har-har, Mary. You know what I’m talking about.”
“I haven’t the foggiest,” I deny. That’s my gameplan, denial until the ship completely goes down.
“He had his hand on your ass, Mary.”
“Lots of men have had their hands on my ass, Green. Sometimes two at the same time.”
Kage starts laughing and my brother shoots her a dirty look. She keeps laughing. He just shakes his head. I always told Mom you should have been a boy.”
“That would never have worked. I would have stolen all your girlfriends. You couldn’t have handled the competition.” Now, Green shoots me the dirty look—which I ignore. Kage moves her seat back. Somehow, she manages to be graceful—even pregnant and carrying extra weight. Green’s attention is shifted to her completely as he stands up.
“Where are you going?”
“I think you and Kage need to talk and our child is dancing on my bladder so I’m going to give you that time.”
“Gee thanks,” I complain, and she grins at me.
“You’re welcome. Green?”
“Yeah, baby?”
“Lay off Mary. She might be your little sister, but she’s also a grown woman and what orwhoshe does is not your business.”
“Kage,” he grumbles.
“Keep it up. and you’ll be sleeping in the guest room tonight, dear husband.”
“The hell you say,” he snaps, jerking back. Like he’s been slapped. It’s clear to see that he doesn’t like that threat…at all.
“You heard me,” she replies, ignoring him. He watches her walk away, totally entranced. They’re so sickening in love that it’s insane. Green doesn’t seem to function when Kage isn’t nearby. Hell, all my family is like that—with the exception of Cyan. I’m not sure he counts, because he’s still single. He’s also hung up on the school librarian who is way too scared of him to ever take a chance on my wild brother.
I’ve always vowed to never follow in heir footsteps. I like being my own person. I love being single. An image of Slater comes to mind, and I ignore how it makes me feel. It’s just going to be sex. That’s it.
Green sits back down and stares at me. I don’t move under his gaze. If we’re going to have a staring contest, I’m going to win. Green rakes his hand through his hair and lets out an annoyed breath.
“I don’t like this,” he says, and I shrug.
“Green, I’m not marrying him.”
“Whatareyou planning on doing?”
“How is this your business again?”
“You’re my sister.”
“Last time I checked I was old enough to vote, pay my own bills and—”
“Don’t say it, Mary.”
“Old enough to have wild ferret sex.”
“I hate you.”