Page 29 of A Hard Time
“Get laid?” I supply.
“I’m really not liking you right now,” he complains.
“The feeling is kind of mutual,” I answer, getting up.
“Wait! Where are you going? We haven’t even had dinner.”
“I’m getting out of here so that you can have a date with your wife without a third wheel.”
“But you already ordered your food!” he snaps, talking louder because I’m already walking away.
“You eat it or put it in a doggy bag for one of the kids.”
I’m pretty sure he replies, but it’s muffled by the crowd as I walk farther away. I adore my brother, but right now I wouldn’t mind strangling him.
I’d probably even do it with a smile.
My gaze moves up to stare at the clock on the wall. It’s something I’ve done since I got home. I’m not even sure that Marigold will be by tonight and with each tick of the clock, I’m starting to feel like she won’t.
I reach back into the shower to turn the water off and then grab the towel I draped over the doors and hitch it around my hips. I put on some deodorant and stare into the mirror.
“So, this is what it has come down to,” I mutter to myself. “Alone on the weekend, missing some girl and instead of throwing her over my shoulder ad taking her home, I left her and came and waited like a damn lapdog as if I’ve already cut off my balls off and handed them to her.”
I’m disgusted with myself, and I don’t even know how this happened. I was hooked with one look at her. I walk into my bedroom, trying to push the thoughts through my mind. It’s too late to look back. I want Marigold—more than I would have thought possible. There’s no going back. If she doesn’t show tonight, I’ll find her. I mean hell, I see her brother almost every day. It’s not like she can disappear on me.
I towel off and grab a pair of jeans and pull them on. Just as I’m buttoning them up, the doorbell rings. A smile breaks out on my face before I even think about it. Relief and pleasure fuel through my system. She might think we’re just going to be fuck-buddies, but we’re going to be so much more than that. If I must get her addicted to my dick to get more from her, then that’s what I’ll do. It’s a dirty job—hopefully averydirty job—but I think I’m up to the task. As if agreeing, my cock stretches and pushes against the fabric of my jeans.
I go to the door, not even checking to see who is at the door. I know it’s Marigold, I won’t even allow the possibility that it’s anyone else.
Fuck, she looks good.I’d just seen her a few hours ago, but somehow, she looks even better now.
“You’re late,” I murmur, leaning against the door frame.
“Don’t make me regret showing up at all,” she warns. “Where’s your shirt?”
“One less item to get out of the way.”
“God, you’re so cocky,” she replies, shaking her head.
“You like it.”
“Sure, I do. Whatever helps feed that massive ego, Bat-Boy. Are you going to let me in or are you just going to stand there all-night staring at me.”
“The view is damn good, baby.”
She laughs and the sound is so beautiful I pull her into my arms and devour her mouth. She gasps and I swallow the sound down. This can’t be called a kiss. That’s too tame of a word. Our tongues go to war with one another and I’m easily the victor. I ravage her, claiming her mouth as mine—just like I intend to do with the rest of her body. I leave no part of her mouth untouched and when we break apart my body is on fire for her. I watch as she brings her fingers up to her lips, her breathing uneven, her eyes dilated.
“Wow. You pack a real good punch into your hello, Slater.”
I move us inside and close the door. I pin her against it, caging her in with my body. I start unzipping the leather jacket she’s wearing. She helps me get it off, but when my hands move to her shirt, she stops me, her fingers impeding my progress.
“Don’t tell me you’re changing your mind on me, Ace.”
“I think I’m trying to digest the fact that you don’t move slow.”