Page 34 of A Hard Time
“I think… What the fuck?”
“Exactly. So, pull out and wrap it up.”
This isn’t good. She’s mad and that’s not the emotion I want from her. “I’m going to pull out, baby, but I’m doing it just to turn your ass pink. Remember what I told you? When we’re in our bed there is no past. There is only you and me.”
“That doesn’t count, when we’re talking about the need for protection.”
“I’m clean we get regular physicals because of the team. Believe it or not, until you I’ve always been gloved up. As for that damn nickname, I’d never heard it until you used it and if you ever use it again, I’ll make it so you can’t sit down for a week.”
She studies me and I’d love to know what she’s thinking, but I’m pretty sure that’s not going to happen.
“Don’t make me regret being here, Slater,” she says, her eyes full of confusion.
“I’m going to make that my mission, baby. I’m going to make it my mission,” I vow.
I lean back down and take her nipple back in my mouth, sucking it hard, while her body arcs beneath me and she cries out in hunger. I release her with a popping noise and run my tongue along her breast, nibbling in places because I can’t stop myself from tasting her skin.
This woman is an addiction and I’m never going to get enough of her.
One Week Later
“Shit,” I hiss.
“Dag-nab-it, BT! Where in hell is your brain? Gladys could hit that ball it was right in the old breadbasket,” Rooster snaps, yanking his ballcap off his head and wadding it up in his hand.
“I want that to stop right now, Rooster. If you don’t, I swear I won’t care you’re my coach or an old man, I’ll lay you out,” I growl being an asshole.
“You feel froggy, go ahead and jump. I’ll send you to your knees to get in touch with your maker,” he responds, sounding surprisingly sane. With Rooster, I’ve learned sanity comes in short bursts. He always makes sense, but sometimes he almost sounds normal.
“Stop calling me that,” I argue throwing my bat down on the ground.
Some of the guys start walking toward us and that’s the last thing I want. For the first time in my life, playing baseball isnotwhere I want to be. It has been a week since I’ve seen Marigold. To make matters worse, she texted me this morning to let me know she has to work this weekend and won’t be at the game tomorrow night. I needed her back in my bed, but I also wanted to see her in the stands.
Damn it, I just wanted her with me.
It sucks to have twenty-four hours with your dream woman and then have to go without them. I need more.She’s working a double shift so that means another week without her and that is what has me hateful as fuck.
“What’s going on?” Ryder asks, taking off his face mask because he’s been in the catcher position. We’re scrimmaging against each other to get real game practice in before the game. Normally, these are my favorite practices, but not so today. Then again, I’m not sure anything could make me happy today.
“The damn nickname rooster gave me. Tell me, Ryder, why in the fuck didn’t you tell me I had one?”
“Didn’t I? It must have slipped my mind,” the bastard lies.
“Yeah right.”
“I don’t know why you’re getting your panties twisted into a giant wedgie over it. Jesus you’re whining like a little girl,” Rooster complains. “I thought it was one of my better names.”
“What are you guys arguing about?” Parker asks, as him, and Finn come running to home plate.
Great, just what I needed. I don’t want to talk to anyone—especially about this.