Page 30 of Want It
His heart began to beat hard. Somehow, he knew if he touched her pulse, it’d be beating in tune to his.
“Even cleaned up, you look dangerous,” she murmured.
He smiled. “Like Tim McGraw says, I may be a bad boy, but I’m a real good man.”
“Tim McGraw?” she said, her forehead lining with a frown.
“The singer.” He frowned at the blankness in her gaze. “You don’t know Tim McGraw?”
She shrugged. “I don’t like country music.”
He reared back. “Tim McGraw’s music isn’t country. It’s music of the heart. They say music heals the heart better than any medicine, and I think Tim’s music is one of the most potent.”
“Tim?” She smiled teasingly. “You’re on a first-name basis with him?”
“I’ve never met him, but I’d love to, to thank him for what he puts into the world.” He frowned at her. “You really don’t know his music.”
She rolled her eyes. “Is this where you tell me our relationship is doomed?”
Their relationship. He liked the sound of that. “I’ll just have to educate you.”
“Really?” She arched her brow.
“Over dinner.” He stepped closer to her. “I know you work all the time, but you must have to eat sometimes.”
Her eyes widened in surprise. “You remember what I said?”
“I pay attention.” He cradled her hand to his heart. “Have dinner with me tonight, Jules?”
“Yes,” she said softly, as if she were breathless from the idea.
That’d make two of them. He reached into his breast pocket and pulled out his cell phone. “Give me your number.”
She rattled off her number, and he sent her a text, happy when he heard her phone beep with the message. “You pick where you’d like to eat and let me know what time you’d like me to meet you there,” he suggested. He didn’t know Chicago, and he figured she wouldn’t want some dude she didn’t know coming to her home.
She looked into his eyes as if she were trying to piece together a puzzle. “I don’t just go out.”
“Neither do I,” he said. Even before his life became complicated, he was careful around women.
“I shouldn’t believe you, but I do.” Still frowning, she said, “I have to get back to work.”
He pushed away from the wall and pressed the elevator button, holding her hand until it arrived. He held the door open as she stepped inside. He heard something behind them, and he glanced over his shoulder. Nothing. Maybe he imagined it.
Jules turned around to face him. “Tonight.”
“Tonight,” he agreed, letting the door close. He had a moment, wanting to rush after her, feeling like if he let her go he’d never see her again. But he told himself to chill—he had her phone number and they were having dinner.
His phone still in his hand, he opened his texts to ask Ortiz a question.
When did you know you were in love with Tilly?
The minute I saw her.
Danny nodded. He thought so.