Page 49 of Want It
She tried to imagine that. She was often in the news, but no one bothered her when she was out. Shewasmindful about how she presented herself in public though. “Do you like that?”
He made a face. “It’s just part of the job. The fans are important, and I don’t want to disappoint them.”
Ennio came back and topped off their wineglasses before telling them he had dinner taken care of. He rushed off, suddenly bursting into an aria.
Chuckling, Danny held up his glass. “To new friends.”
She touched her glass to his. “Is that what we are?” she asked after she took a sip.
“I hope so. And more,” he added.
“It can’t be that much more since you’re going back to London in two weeks,” she said.
He just took a sip of his wine, not answering.
Ennio’s chef outdid himself with dinner, sending out three pizzas for them in addition to their famous antipasto dish. Danny ordered a second bottle of wine, conferring with Ennio on the direction they should take.
But as wonderful as dinner was, the company was better. They talked about everything, from their childhood to their jobs and everything in between. He was clever, and his stories about life in Europe had her laughing all night.
This was exactly what she’d needed, sex notwithstanding. Didier would probably preen if she told him he was right.
They were sitting, heads together, after dessert, when she suddenly realized that the restaurant was quiet. She lifted her head, frowning as she looked around. “Is it late? We’re the only ones here.”
Danny looked at his watch. “What time does Ennio close?”
“Then, yeah, it’s late.” He caught Ennio’s gaze.
But the man waved them off. “Take your time. We have to close.”
Danny turned to her.
She saw the same reluctance to leave she was feeling in his eyes. “We could go someplace else.”
“A bar on a Friday night? I’d have to beat them away from you.” He kissed her hand. “I’d rather go someplace quiet. I’m enjoying talking with you.”
She was too, but the more they talked, the more she wanted more. Because you had to go for what you wanted, she looked him in the eye and said, “Your hotel room?”
He frowned. “To talk?”
“And more,” she said. “If you’re interested.”
“Interested?” He moved his chair closer to hers and lowered his voice. “All I’ve thought about since I met you was being alone with you.”
“Well then.” She pushed back from the table. “Shall we go?”
He stared at her, as if gauging if she was serious.
So she took his hand. “I want it. I want you.”
He exhaled and stood up. “Let me take care of the bill.”
“If Ennio lets you,” she said with a half smile.
“I can be persuasive.” He kissed her, slow and deliberate, nuzzling her cheek for a moment.
She bet he could. Fortunately, she didn’t require any persuading. She already knew what she wanted.