Page 101 of Pretty Boy
“Please do.”
“Of course.”
Dimitrios hung up and looked across the desk at Leon who was smirking again.
“So, he already knows his way to your office? I wonder when he could have learned that?” Leon taunted, smirking at Dimitrios.
Dimitrios ignored him and got back to work as his friend sat in amused silence, scrolling on his phone as he waited for the arrival of the mysterious omega who had captivated his best friend.
Dimitrios was not an easy man, Leon knew that well. He’d always been incredibly serious about school and work and Leon had seen him with various boyfriends and girlfriends over the years. In all that time, Dimitrios never seemed truly happy with his partners. Something about this one made Leon think that it might be different.
Dimitrios had never been so protective of his past relationships, and Leon had never seen Dimitrios so affected by anyone. It was intriguing to say the least. He wondered if his best friend’s boyfriend was someone very serious like Dimitrios. Was he someone who matched his friend’s intensity? Leon pictured a lanky, statuesque omega with elegant clothes and fine features. But something about that didn’t match with the soft vanilla scent.
“Mr. Cirillo, your guest has arrived. I just sent him up.”
“Thank you.” Dimitrios acknowledged.
After Dimitrios left his apartment, Remi spent a long time organizing all the clothes Dimitrios had bought for him. He didn’t have enough hangers for everything, so most of it ended up folded in the bottom of his already overfilled closet. He stuffed the little drawers of the plastic chest where he stored his socks and underwear until it wouldn’t close all the way. Remi moved all his school things from his worn out old backpack to his new Gucci backpack, so it would be ready to go in the morning. By the time he fell into his nest, he was exhausted.
Morning came too soon and too cold for Remi’s liking. Even with his heater running, it felt like the walls of his apartment leached the warmth away from the space, and when he got up, the muscles in his lower half were stiff and aching. Walking hurt, and as he limped to his bathroom, he was making little hissing noises as his muscles protested. The longer he was up and moving, the more it seemed to help, and Remi was looking forward to a warm shower to soothe his aching muscles. However, when he turned on the water to heat up while he brushed his teeth, he was surprised to find it ice cold when he went to get in.
“Fuck.” He hissed under his breath as he stood outside the shower.
Not really having any other choice, Remi hopped inside and gasped as the icy water washed down his body, making every muscle clench and quiver as his skin erupted all over with goosebumps. His already sore muscles locked up worse and the omega whimpered at the pain. He quickly wet his body and turned the water off, shivering as he lathered shampoo into his hair and soaped himself with body wash before turning the water back on.
It was just as horrible and shocking the second time that the frigid water hit him and he danced around under the spray, teeth chattering as he hurried to rinse the soap from his hair and body before turning the shower off and getting out.
Remi was incredibly stiff as he dried himself and dressed. Each movement was protested by his aching back, thighs, and ass. Since he was alone, Remi allowed himself to whimper like a baby about it as he got ready and blow dried his hair. The blow dryer thankfully warmed him slightly, but it was nowhere near enough to banish the cold leftover from Remi’s icy shower.
The omega went to his closet and eyed his suddenly immense wardrobe. He tried to pick out something simple, though the designer clothes still seemed too nice for school. Remi settled on a pair of light wash skinny jeans, a long-sleeve white shirt and navy tank top for layering. The omega pulled out a pair of pink cotton panties, in case he’d be seeing Dimitrios. He topped his outfit with a thick navy wool peacoat, a scarf and hat. The heavy fur-lined boots that he slipped into made his outfit warm enough for the weather, finally.
When Remi left his apartment, the cold didn’t immediately cut through his clothing like usual. It was a relief. Even though the frigid weather wasn’t affecting him like it usually did, he was still cold from his icy shower and knew that he was likely to stay that way all day. It felt like his very bones were iced over, and even though he was more protected than usual against the icy winter weather, his muscles were severely cramped.
The omega felt the blood rush to his face as he imagined what Phoenix would say when he saw him limping with a huge hickey on his neck. The alpha was going to be completely unbearable.
Remi texted his landlord to tell him about the water heater as he walked to his bus stop and waited as usual, and when the bus arrived, he hobbled up the steps into the warmth of the vehicle and took a seat. He watched the streets pass through the dewy windows as the early light of morning glanced off the snow. As they approached his stop and he got off the bus, his phone dinged in his pocket. He pulled it out to see a message from Dimitrios, smiling as he opened it.
Dimitrios:Good morning pretty boy. I’ve got a late meeting so I won’t be able to see you tonight.
Remi’s lips twisted into a frown, but he thought it was probably for the best. His entire lower half was stiff and sore, and he was already moving like an arthritic old man.
Remi:That’s okay. I’m way too sore to do anything anyway. I’m limping to campus right now
Dimitrios:Sorry Baby. You want me to schedule you a massage?
Remi laughed at that. Of course Diimitrios’ solution would be to spend more money on him. The alpha really was shameless. But Remi knew he’d be fine in a day or two, he was a quick healer and he wouldn’t even be in this condition if his damned water heater wasn’t a POS.
Remi:No. I’ll be fine. I just need to warm up and move around. The hot water heater is on the fritz again so I had to take a cold shower this morning :(( So I’m just really stiff
Dimitrios:Is there anything I can do?
Remi’s belly filled with butterflies as he read the message and bit his lip to try and suppress his smile as he walked onto campus.
Remi:No, the landlord will send someone around in a few days. Don’t worry about it
Dimitrios:Why don’t you stop by my place after school and take a shower? Just so you don’t have to be cold. I probably won’t be home, but you’re welcome to use my bath in the meantime