Page 105 of Pretty Boy
“Of course. I'll take any advice I can get at this point.” The man said with a shrug.
The alpha gave a watery little laugh and Remi patted his back. It was clear that he loved his son, but it was also clear that this method was not working. Remi patted him on the back gently and spoke his next words as kindly as he could, looking into the dark eyes of the stranger on the curb.
“I think you aren’t coming here for him. You’re coming here to punish yourself because you blame yourself for whatever happened between you.”
The alpha sighed and hung his head in defeat at the words.
“I think you’re right.”
Remi continued the gentle patting of his back and ran his hand up and down softly.
“Go home. Think about what you want to say, and write him a letter. I don’t think anyone would want their parents suffering over them. If I thought something about me was causing my Mom or Dad pain, I would feel horrible.”
“You’re very wise for such a young omega. What’s your name, young man?”
“I’m Remi, and you?”
“I’m Tobias. It’s nice to meet you.”
“You as well. Let me hail a cab for you.”
“Alright.” Tobias said with a sigh.
Remi stood and waved down a cab before reaching down to help Tobias up from the ground. The older alpha patted his hand again and gave him a smile that seemed somehow familiar to him, but Remi couldn’t place where he’d seen it. Maybe he’d served him in the cafe before? He disregarded it and helped him into the cab quickly, as the driver was already making impatient noises.
“I’m gonna think about what you said, young man. You’re a kind boy. I hope my son finds an omega like you.”
Remi just gave him a smile and a nod and waved as the cab pulled away before heading inside, letting the memory of the encounter blow away like leaves on the breeze, as he refocused on the prospect before him.
The lobby was different during the day. There was a security guard near the door and a receptionist behind the big desk. His eyes were drawn toward the fancy light fixtures that looked a little like shards of glass hanging over him looking like a million-dollar guillotine. Remi laughed at his ridiculous thoughts as he made his way to the reception desk. Remi stopped in front of the woman typing at her computer, and she looked up at him with a polite smile.
“Hi… I’m here to see Dimitrios Cirillo.”
“Can I get your name?”
“Remi Laroche.”
His words seemed to spark something in the receptionist, because she was suddenly looking at him with much more interest.
“Yes, Mr. Cirillo said to expect you.” She offered Remi a small, clip-on visitor’s badge. “Please clip that to the front of your shirt, and let me take your picture.” She pulled out her cell phone, which Remi thought was odd.
“Why do you need my picture?”
“For security, in case there is an emergency, then the authorities will know who they are looking for.”
It sounded just reasonable enough, and Remi didn’t want to make a scene, so he looked at her and let her snap his picture. She smiled as she lowered her phone and gestured toward the elevators.
"You are free to go up to his office. Mr. Cirillo said that you know the way.”
“Yes, thank you.”
Remi clipped the badge to the front of his coat and headed toward the bank of elevators, hitting the button and stepping in as the sleek silver doors slid open. As he turned around, Remi could see the receptionist furiously typing on her phone and had a sudden thought that if she had to take his picture for security, she would likely not do it on her personal phone.
Not interested in making a scene, the omega just pushed the button for the top floor and felt his stomach dip as the elevator zoomed upward. It stopped several times to pick up passengers on various floors, and several of them seemed to freeze for a moment as they saw him, before giving him a nod and a smile.
Had the receptionist sent his picture out to the other employees? Remi wondered if gossip was flying around about him, then he realized that he was completely covered in Dimitrios' scent. He shouldn’t accuse anyone of anything when it was so clear that he was with Dimitrios, just based on the powerful coffee and dark chocolate scent that was wafting off him in waves.
Remi felt his cheeks warm as he realized that the alpha’s scent was so powerful because he’d cum on him. Remi just kept his breaths even and his head high. There was nothing wrong with what he and Dimitrios had done. They were consenting adults.