Page 125 of Pretty Boy
The alpha ignored his own desire, shelving it for later. He was still frustrated about the entire situation at work and he knew that what he needed was a long, hard night of fucking, followed by a good night’s sleep.
Dimitrios knew that Remi would be good for him. Even if Dimitrios wanted to fuck him back to the point of limping again, Remi would let him. The omega would take what he was given, and if Dimitrios had more to give, he would take that too. The alpha only wished Remi would accept his gifts as easily as he accepted his domination, because Dimitrios wanted to spoil him rotten.
They showered quickly and got ready for dinner, Remi blow drying his hair and reapplying his makeup from the little bag he’d thankfully slipped into his backpack. Dimitrios took a longer time than was probably necessary to rub lotion into Remi’s tender asscheeks to soothe the welts from the belt.
They were ready just in time, and Dimitrios was surprised by how stable Remi seemed after falling into his subspace.. He could see that Remi was clear-headed and rational. Dimitrios had to admit that he loved the idea of Remi going out to their dinner, still full of his cum. He couldn’t wait to get back home, so he could give the omega even more, until he was so full he was aching. But at the moment, they had to go.
As the alpha looked at his sugar baby, he had to admit that when he was really dolled up, Remi looked like royalty. His little one was like a beautiful, untouchable prince, waiting to be claimed and ravished, and Dimitrios was starving for him. The predicament was only made worse by the knowledge that Remi would bend to his seduction without hesitation.
The alpha helped his pretty boy into his coat and other winter gear before leading the way out of the apartment. As they got into the elevator, Dimitrios hit the button for the garage and crowded Remi up against the wall to press soft kisses over his lips, in apology for not doing it on the way up, like he usually did.
The alpha was definitely in the mood to pamper his pretty boy and take care of him. The punishment that he’d meted out on Remi had been hard on them both, but he could sense that, somehow the omega had needed that release as well. There was something… Something he couldn’t put his finger on.
Dimitrios drove with one hand on the steering wheel so the other could massage Remi’s muscular thigh, strong fingers gently squeezing the muscle in a calm and reassuring way as the omega leaned back and closed his eyes. Dimitrios had turned up the seat warmer and heater for him again, and everything was back to normal. Remi had received his punishment, he’d been good, and now he was being rewarded with Dimitrios' attention again.
Remi opened his eyes and looked over to Dimitrios and asked a question that was bound to come up during the dinner.
“How exactly do we tell people we met?”
The alpha pondered that for a moment and flicked a glance to Remi.
“Well, what have you told your friends about us?” Dimitrios asked.
“I told them that you saw me at the coffee shop trying to get a job there, and you told me you were looking for a housekeeper. I started to work for you, and things just went from there.”
“That’s as good a story as any, I suppose. We can just go with that.” Dimitrios said with a shrug.
Remi worried his lip with his teeth for a moment before finally spilling the question that had been bothering him.
“Aren’t you worried what people will think when they see you with me?” Remi asked quietly, unsure of himself.
“In what way? I don’t understand what you mean.” Dimitrios replied, frowning slightly.
“What I mean is that… I’m a culinary student. I’m not from a wealthy family. I don’t have any great connections or qualifications. I’m not really… worthy of you. Doesn’t that bother you?”
Dimitrios' frown deepened. He didn’t like the way Remi was talking about himself. There was nothing wrong with his pretty boy. Dimitrios thought that the omega deserved more than he got from life. Remi should have the finest of everything, because he was worth it. Beyond his stunning looks, Remi was kind, and yet fierce. There were so many different facets to the omega, each one just as stunning as the last.
Remi truly didn’t see himself the way that Dimitrios did. Remi thought that Dimitrios was‘above’him in some imagined hierarchy. That was complete nonsense. Remi didn’t need money to be valuable.
Their origins were very nearly the same. Dimitrios wasn’t from some wealthy family with a legacy and tons of money. His father had owned an auto body shop, and his mother was a school teacher. They were far from rich.
The alpha parked them outside the restaurant where they were meeting his vendor and turned to Remi, taking the omega’s chin between his fingers and tilting his face up to meet Dimitrios’ eyes.
“You are a priceless jewel. I don’t care about your family history or your net worth. No one who sees you by my side would question for a second why you are there. You’re beautiful. You are the most stunning omega I’ve ever seen, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. More than that, you’re smart, sexy and strong. You don’t have to be anything but you.”
Remi didn’t know what to say. He had no idea that Dimitrios thought all of that about him. He’d been worried about appearing with the alpha out in public, afraid that those‘social vampires’that Dimitrios had joked about on their first date would pounce on him. Remi had seen enough dramas to know that they would dissect his appearance, his family, his history, all with grace, and finesse, and oh-so-sad twists of their lips as they sipped their champagne.
When Remi looked into Dimitrios' eyes, he saw nothing but truth there. The alpha really didn’t think that he was any better than Remi. It bolstered Remi with confidence that Dimitrios thought that highly of him and he beamed a huge smile as he looked at the alpha and gave a small nod.
“Okay. I’ll just be me.”
Dimitrios pressed one last soft kiss to his lips and drew back.
“Alright then. Brace up. It’s gonna be a long one, and this guy is a chatterbox.”
Remi giggled and gave a mock salute. “Yes sir.”
The restaurant,Amore,was another very high-end one that Remi had longed to visit. He was honestly more excited about the food than the actual dinner, or the company they would be keeping. The omega was ready for excellent food, expertly prepared and paired perfectly with a complimentary wine.