Page 42 of Pretty Boy
“He’s my new boss.” Remi said, flopping onto his side as he was freed from his covers.
“New boss? What happened to your old boss?”
“The restaurant closed. I got a new job as a housekeeper for some rich alpha.”
“How come this is the first I’m hearing of this? Are you okay? Do you need money? You want me to come stay with you for a few days?” Maddox sounded deeply worried, as though on the edge of packing a bag and heading for New York.
“Maddy! Relax. I’m fine. I’ve already got a new job. Everything is fine.”
“I don’t like the sound of this new job. What kind of alpha has a single omega as a housekeeper? Is he harassing you?”
“He’s safe. He’s not gonna hurt me. You worry too much. I’m an adult and I can take care of myself.”
“Hm… I still don’t like it. What if he tries to ravish you or something?”
“Ravish me? What is this, one of those regency romance novels you love?” Remi teased. He put on a fancy voice, mocking those old timey romance movies Maddox had always made him watch. “My lord? Are you here to ravish me? But I’m just an innocent chambermaid… Your father would never approve!”
“Hey! It’s not my fault that alphas these days don’t know how to treat an omega. Is it so much to ask for someone to romance me and kiss the back of my hand and open doors for me, but then behind closed doors pull me into his arms and just…”
“Ravish you?” Remi added helpfully.
“I don’t know. Maybe if you weren’t stuck in our hometown you’d have a bigger dating pool. There’s got to be someone out there for you. You’re hot, smart, and kind. You’re a catch.”
“Aww… thanks Rem. But don’t think I’ve forgotten about you and your mysterious boss. Why would he be calling you at 7 o’clock on a Wednesday? I’m gonna talk to your parents, there’s no way they’ll allow this.”
“He had a conference call this evening that he was taking from home. I don’t usually go over this late. He just didn’t want interruptions on his call. It’s fine.” Remi was lying wildly at this point, just trying to diffuse the situation. “I was waiting for him to call me and let me know if I should even come tonight. He said if it got too late, I could just skip today.”
“Oh. Well, alright. But you better tell me if he steps even one toe out of line. I’ll kill him.” Maddox said.
“I know, I know. You think I forgot how you kicked Brent Allen in the balls in high school when that asshole wouldn’t take no for an answer? He had to have testicle retrieval surgery.”
“Truly my crowning life achievement.” They both lapsed into giggles for a few minutes at the old memory.
“So, what’s going on Maddox? Did you need something.”
“I was just calling to make sure you’re coming home for Christmas. We all miss you. I never get to see you anymore. I don’t even remember your scent.”
“I am coming home for Christmas. I’m not sure exactly what days yet, but I’ll let you know as soon as I have it scheduled.”
“YES! I’m so excited! I can’t wait. Are you coming alone, or have you finally found a boyfriend?”
“I’m coming alone, nosy. Don’t put any ideas in my Mom’s head. I’ll never hear the end of it.”
“I’m not promising anything. She’s relentless.”
Remi heard his line start to beep and he pulled the phone away from his ear to look at the screen. Dimitrios was calling. Remi felt his cheeks get hot at how clandestine their secret relationship felt.
“My boss is calling. I have to let you go. I’ll call you later.”
“Okay. Fine. Don’t forget to call me though!” Maddox replied.
“I won’t! Love you.”
“Love you too. Later.”
Remi took a deep breath, then switched lines.