Page 98 of Pretty Boy
“Well, if he does anything inappropriate, let me know and I’ll kick his ass for you.” Phoenix added, offering Remi a fistbump.
Remi laughed and bumped his knuckles with Phoenix.
“Will do.”
Their attention was called to the front as class started and they had to lay off the chit-chat, which was all the better in Remi’s eyes, because he really didn’t want to talk about his “relationship” with Dimitrios. The more he talked, the more likely he would be to reveal too much.
While Remi wasn’t ashamed of his desires, he wasn’t exactly looking to broadcast them to the world at large. He’d prefer to keep it between himself and Dimitrios. Because being bound in heels and lingerie and fucked within an inch of his life was an amazing, beautiful, and perfect thing… but still a private one.
As they got up to leave class, Remi’s mind was already across town where Dimitrios was waiting for him to go pick up the key to his apartment. He was pulled back to the present as Aiden looked at him.
“Are those new clothes? Cause I don’t think I’ve seen you wear that before.”
Remi’s mind whirled and he gripped onto a lie. Hereallyneeded to stop lying so much.
“My Dad got a raise at work recently and my Mom went shopping and sent me a bunch of clothes. I guess it was kind of an early Christmas gift. She worries about me getting sick and she knows how I am with the cold.”
“Oh, that was really nice of her. You wanna come with us for lunch?” Aiden said.
“No, I have to go run an errand. You guys go on. I’ll see you for afternoon classes.”
“Alright, see you.” Aiden said.
“Later, Rem.” Phoenix added with a wave before turning to his omega. “So… We could go eat… Or we could go to my car and-”
“No Phoenix, you are not eating my ass for lunch.”
“If there’s time.”
Remi couldn’t help but laugh at Phoenix’s cackle of joy. The omega walked quickly outside, putting his hat and scarf back on as he jogged down the salted pavements to the street and hailed a cab to take him to Dimitrios' office. He gave the driver the address and pulled out his phone to text Dimitrios that he was coming.
Dimitrios sighed as he left to shower and get ready for bed.
Hours later, he laid there, looking up at his ceiling as he struggled to go back to sleep. His mind couldn’t stop picturing Remi framed in the doorway of his tiny apartment, so fragile and lonely. The alpha rolled over and forced his mind to quiet and eventually drifted off.
Morning came too soon, and as he dressed and readied himself for work, Dimitrios slid back into his usual persona. He was now the cold, sharp CEO that sent interns running for cover. But he couldn’t quite wipe the smirk off of his face. Dimitrios also knew that he still smelled strongly of Remi’s vanilla scent. The alpha was rested and relaxed. He felt clearer and sharper than he had in years as he walked through the office.
Again, he felt the awareness of people watching him, probably because he was smiling and covered in an omega’s scent. Well, what was he supposed to do? He’d just had what was probably the best weekend of his life and he felt great.
Dimitrios settled at his desk and smirked as he heard the signature sound of wingtip loafers on polished marble floors. He opened his email and started sifting through to see if anything required his immediate attention. Leon settled in his usual seat across the desk and looked at him with his characteristic assessing gaze.
“I see that you had a good weekend.” Leon said flatly.
“I had a great weekend, thank you.” Dimitrios said, sitting back in his chair and looking at the other alpha.
“I would ask if you spent it with your little baby omega, but the answer is obvious. You reek of vanilla and you’re strutting like you got your dick sucked. I can put two and two together.” Leon taunted, and Dimitrios didn’t give any response beyond a quirk of his eyebrow. “When do I get to meet him?”
“Well, he’s coming with me to the New York Arts Gala, so I guess you’ll meet him then.”
“I forgot about the stupid Gala… Damnit. When is that again?”
“December 6th. So, we have two weeks.”
“At least I’ll have something to look forward to. I have to admit I’m curious about this Remi of yours.”
Dimitrios opened his mouth to say that Remi wasn’t his. But he couldn’t make the words leave his throat, so he just cleared it and moved on.