Page 93 of Savage Prince
Trina:Good luck for tonight. Whatever happens, do NOT sleep with him! I know he’s hot but remember who he is!
Me: Uhh… duh? Why would I sleep with him??
Trina: I’m kidding!! :p Seriously, though, I can’t stop picturing his face when he finally realizes it’s not happening. You’ll probably be the first girl to ever turn him down, hahaha.
Me: Meanwhile I can’t stop picturing myself vomiting in my mouth at the thought of touching him….
That wasn’t entirely true, but Trina didn’t need to know that. No one did.
I typed out another message.
Me: I better finish getting ready. He’s due here in 30 mins, and I need to put my makeup on and order the pizza so the timing is right.
Trina: Ok. Btw, Trinity Pizza downtown always takes exactly 20 mins to deliver anywhere around Royal Falls. I know Adam suggested RF Pizzas because that’s Hunter’s favorite place, and they’re usually on time, but I’d go with Trinity to be safe.
Me: Ok. Thanks!
Trina: No problem. Let me know how it goes as soon as he’s gone, ok? PS: I still can’t believe he actually fell for it. So pathetic!
I couldn’t believe Hunter had fallen for my horrifyingly awkward pickup attempt either. While Trina and Adam gave me pointers on what to say and what not to say when I approached him earlier this week, I was mostly on my own.
Everything went wrong from the second I stepped up to him—he looked a little too perfect, as usual, and that made me falter and forget almost everything I planned on saying. Because of that, I thought our little plan was screwed from the start, so when Hunter actually agreed to come and hang out with me, I was shocked.
Adam wasn’t. He told me from the very start that no matter how awkward I was, and no matter how much I stumbled over my words, there was no way in hell a horny eighteen-year-old guy could resist a girl approaching him and alluding to no-strings-attached sex for an evening.
Of course there wouldn’t actually be any sex, but Hunter didn’t know that.
The red lipstick was Adam’s idea too. He said Hunter had always liked that on girls, so it couldn’t hurt to add it just in case, along with the extra-short skirt and sheer stockings. I felt exposed as hell in the switched-up uniform, and I felt like a total try-hard with the lipstick, but Adam was right. Not only did Hunter go for it, he was enthusiastic about it.
I was happy when I realized Stage 1 of the plan had gone off without a hitch despite my painful awkwardness, but I was still a little suspicious. The way I saw it, Hunter agreed a little too fast, considering how much he clearly despised me.
And what was up with him saying he felt something for me?
I had a sneaking suspicion that he was up to something shady, but it didn’t matter. My part of the plan shouldn’t take too long to complete once he was in my room, and then I could make my excuses and throw him out.
I closed my laptop, ordered a pizza, got dressed, and went into my bathroom to apply some lipstick—red, of course. Then I hurried out to the main part of the dorm, heart racing as a series of sharp raps echoed from the door.
Time to play.
The next stages of the plan would require much better acting, improvisation, and smooth-talking skills than I managed to employ on Monday, but I wasn’t concerned. I’d had five whole days to practice and go over everything in my head, so I felt ready.
I pasted a shy smile on my face and opened my door to see Hunter standing in the hall. He’d dressed for the occasion in black pants and a button-down shirt with a jacket hanging over one shoulder. His pale blue shirt sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, exposing his tanned forearms.
He gave me a smile that lit up his face and made his chiseled features look a lot less dangerous. Heat immediately surged through me.
Hi,” I said breathlessly.
I didn’t need to fake the breathless part.
It felt strangely good to see him. Despite my hatred for him, along with the fact that this whole evening was one big setup, having Hunter right here in front of me—all to myself—felt oddly familiar. Like we’d been dating for months, and he was just here to pick me up for yet another date to the movies.
I wasn’t expecting to have that sort of reaction. For the last few days, I’d attempted to train myself out of the feelings of lust that overtook me whenever I saw him in order to inoculate myself against any temptation, and I thought I was doing well. I thought I’d take one look at him and feel nothing but anger for everything he’d done, and then I’d be able to carry out tonight’s task like a mafia hitman—get it done and get the hell out.
Now it seemed like things were going to be a lot harder than that, considering the heat flooding through my veins.
Just breathe, I told myself. It’ll be okay.