Page 33 of Shattered Kingdom
“Anyway, my idea is: you could go and look at all of the old RFU yearbooks. If therewasa secret society at the place, some of the members may have hidden some references in plain sight, right there in the books. Those references might give you some idea of where to look for more information, or just hints about members ingeneral.”
My eyes widened. “There areyearbooks?”
“In the library with the past RFA yearbooks, Iassume?”
Ms. Flores shook her head. “No. The school wanted to keep them—because they’re a part of history, I suppose—but because they weren’t actually academy-related, they didn’t want them in the RFA library. So they’re kept in an archive next to the deputy headmaster’soffice.”
“Do you think that could help your research?” sheasked.
I nodded fervently. “Definitely. It’s a really good idea,” I said. “Thanks!”
“Happy to help,” she said, doing a little mockbow.
“Would the deputy head be in his office right now?” Iasked.
She glanced at her watch. “He shouldbe.”
“And what about Sanders? His office is really close to the deputy’s,right?”
“Yes. But I remember him saying something at lunch about a long meeting with the school board this afternoon. So I doubt he’ll bearound.”
My shoulders slumped with relief. “Okay. Good. I really don’t want to run into him and have him ask me a million questions about what I’m upto.”
“I understand. Youwillhave to say something to the deputy headmaster, though,” she said, brows knitting. “As far as I know, he’s the only one with the key to the archive, seeing as it’s right next to hisoffice.”
I bit my bottom lip. “What should I say? I really don’t want this getting back to any of the otherstaff.”
“How about you just give him an extremely condensed version of what you told me?” Ms. Flores asked. “Tell him you have an extra credit history project, and you want to do yours on the history of the campus. I doubt he’ll ask many questions aboutit.”
“Good idea.” I stood up. “Thanks again, Ms. Flores. You’ve been sohelpful.”
She lifted one shoulder in a nonchalant shrug. “All I did was mention some yearbooks, but hey, I’ll take the credit,” she said with asmile.
“You did more than that.” I picked up my bag. “Anyway, I’m going to go and check out the archivenow.”
“All right. Goodluck.”
When I was halfway out of the office, Ms. Flores called to me. “Laney?”
I turned around. “Yes?”
“Be careful, okay? I know better than anyone that the administration at this school doesn’t like people sticking their noses where they don’t belong,” she said, lips pressing into a thin line. “As you know, I’m out of a job in two months because ofit.”
I nodded. “I’ll becareful.”
Hunter was waiting for me outside. On our way to the deputy head’s office, I explained what we were doing, and what I’d discussed with Ms.Flores.
“You were right. Shewasa good person to talk to about all this shit,” he said, squeezing my arm affectionately. “I had no idea there were old RFU yearbooks anywhere, and I’ve been at this school for over threeyears.”
“She won’t tell anyone what we’re up to, either,” I said. “Seeing as Sanders fired her for trying to do her job properly, she doesn’t exactly feel much loyalty toward him or anyone else at theschool.”
He let out a short snort of amusement. “Understandable.”
We arrived at the deputy head’s office and asked his secretary if we could see him. She looked slightly suspicious, but she waved us inanyway.