Page 37 of Shattered Kingdom
“Keep looking to see if you can find Camila and the other current ones,” Hunter said. “That’ll proveit.”
I flipped through until I found Camila’s page. “Here. Camila Rose Valmont, September 2017. She’s been a member since she wassixteen.”
Hunter frowned. “Are you inhere?”
I turned to the most recent entry. It was about Dayna and her initiation at the start of this schoolterm.
“No,” I said, showing the page to him. “I guess they only put girls in here once they’ve actually passed the initiation. There are probably a few who don’t, like me, but the others bully them into keeping their mouths shut about it, and the whole thing gets swept under therug.”
“Yeah, I’d say so.” He opened his mouth to say something else, and then he paused, brows creasing in a deepfrown.
“What’s wrong?” Iasked.
“I need to look at something,” he said, grabbing the book from me. He flipped back through the girls’ entries until he found one from 2015. Someone named BrittanyCox.
“Who’s that?” Iasked.
He looked over at me. “It’s the girl I saw my dad with a few weeks ago,” he said. “I just remembered that I saw a little snake tattoo on the nape of her neck when she was getting dressed. All the Medusa girls have snake tattoos, don’tthey?”
I nodded. “Yes. They must get them after initiation. Trina and Adam seemed to think they were just henna, but now that I know the truth about the society, I think it’s permanentink.”
“Almost like a brand,” Huntermuttered.
I returned my attention to the pages. “It looks like most of the past Medusa girls were at RFA on scholarships, like the ones now,” I said. “So they definitely seem to target girls from lower-incomefamilies.”
“Makes sense. Girls from rich families aren’t gonna care about joining a club that offers money and future opportunities. They already have all ofthat.”
“Yeah.” I bit my bottom lip and frowned. “I just thought ofsomething.”
“I overheard you and your dad talking in the hall once. He said he arranged my scholarship to this school,” I said. “Back then I thought he might’ve done it to be nice, because I’m the daughter of someone who’s worked for him for years. Butnow…”
I hesitated, and Hunter picked up where I left off. “Now you think he arranged it just to get you here so the girls could start the recruitmentprocess.”
I nodded. “He probably saw me waitressing at that alumni party all those months ago and decided I was a decent target. Then it snowballed fromthere.”
“Makes sense. But it’s not like you didn’t deserve the scholarship,” he said, squeezing my right arm. “Your grades are basically perfect,right?”
“I think that’s one of the ways they hide it,” I said. “They find girls they want from poorer backgrounds, and then they give them scholarships to RFA. But only if they have good grades. That way it’s not obvious that they’re actually just trying to recruit girls for their creepy sexcult.”
Hunter shook his head and exhaled loudly. “This is so fucked up. I can’t believe this has been happening right under everyone’s noses, righthere,and no one has any fuckingclue.”
“I think quite a few people do know, but they either help to keep it covered up or they’re too scared to do anything in case of the repercussions they might face,” I said. “Like ProfessorFox.”
“What abouthim?”
“Do you remember when you and your Prince friends hid my stuff in his office, and I had to sneak into Royal Hall in the middle of the night to get it?” Iasked.
“When Sanders caught me, he brought Professor Fox with him. I managed to get out of trouble for the most part, but before we all left, Fox gave me a weirdwarning.”
“What did hesay?”
“He put a hand on my shoulder and whispered something like, ‘Be careful’. I asked him what he meant, but he wouldn’t elaborate. He just told me to stay out of trouble or else I’d regretit.”
“So you think he might have an idea of what’s happening with the scholarship girls here at RFA, but he’s too much of a pussy to take astand?”