Page 57 of Shattered Kingdom
Someone turned the music down a few minutes later, and the man in the red and black mask stepped over to the throne and raised his hands in the air, signaling for everyone to pay attention tohim.
“Thank you for coming, everyone,” he said, voice booming through the room. “As you all know by now, Laney experienced an adverse reaction to the ritual drink last week, and she was forced to leave. But she’s all better now, and she’s ready to continue with herinitiation!”
A raucous cheer went up in the room. I smiled nervously, heartpounding.
“I think we can pick up where we left off last week,” the man went on. “There’s no need to repeat everything, isthere?”
“No!” everyone shouted in unison, raising theirglasses.
The man turned to pick up a flower crown from a small table next to the throne. Then he motioned for me to take aseat.
I swallowed hard and perched on the throne as he set the crown on myhead.
“Are you ready to continue, Laney?” he asked, eyes glittering behind themask.
I nodded and forced a wide smile. “Yes. I’mready.”
The man turned back to the onlookers. “She said yes this time,” he said, pretending to wipe hisbrow.
Everyone laughed like it was the most hilarious joke they’d ever heard. Then the music went on again, filling the air with the same hypnotic beat fromearlier.
Camila extended a hand and helped me off the throne. “You know what happens now,” she said, brows arching. “You have topick.”
The men were lining up next to each other a few yards away, and the women were watching me, faces glowing with excitement as they waited for me to make my decision. I could tell by their glazed eyes that they were all drugged to the gills with the same stuff Camila gave me a weekago.
“Pick! Pick! Pick!” the younger Medusa girls shrieked as they danced and jumped aroundme.
I pretended to consider it carefully, looking at each man in turn. Then I leaned over to Camila and pointed at Hunter, who was standing at the end of theline.
“Is that Charles Connery?” Iwhispered.
Camila peered at him. Her pupils were dilated, letting me know that she was just as wasted as every other girl here. “Yes, it’s him,” she replied. “But don’t let him know that you recognized him. They don’t like the newer girls knowing who theyare.”
I nodded slowly. “I want to pick him,” I said. “He deserves a thank-you for hosting us at his house,right?”
She squealed with excitement and hugged me. Then she grabbed my hand and lifted my arm in the air with hers. “She’s made her decision!” she called out. “Say it,Laney!”
I raised my other arm and pointed at Hunter. “I wanthim.”
The room echoed with whoops and cheers again. Camila went over to Hunter and grabbed his hand, and the other Medusa girls gathered around, giggling as they helped her pull him over to thethrone.
They pushed him down and tied his wrists to the arms of the throne with crimson and gold ropes. Then they unbuttoned his shirt and unbuckled his belt andpants.
“Come on, Laney! Do it!” they shouted to me over the music. “He’s allyours!”
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a masked man focusing a camera on us from the left side of the room. I made a big show of slipping my panties off and tossing them on the floor. Then I slowly stepped over to Hunter and climbed onto hislap.
The bottom of my gown draped all around us, hiding everything from the onlookers. I reached under it, pretending to fumble with Hunter’s pants andunderwear.
He leaned forward as far as he could with his arms tied to the sides, molding his hard chest to mine, and his lips crushed my mouth, kissing me with passion and need. A cheer went up over themusic.
Instead of kissing him back, I froze, suddenly unsure if I could do this. There were so many people here; so many pairs of eyes on me, watching my every move. My vision blurred and all the air in my lungs seemed to vanish as dread overwhelmed mymind.
Hunter broke the kiss, obviously sensing my panic. “It’s okay,” he murmured against my ear. “Just listen to my voice and look at me. Pretend no one else is here. It’s justus.”
I took a deep breath and nodded, looking into his eyes. Even with the latex all over him and the makeup accentuating the shadows on his face, he was still the Hunter I knew and adored. He might look like a different person to anyone else, but to me, it was so clearly him. It was his scent. His intense eyes. His soft lips and warmbreath.