Page 68 of Shattered Kingdom
I had to give him that one. The worst had already happened to me in my life so far. Getting caught hooking up in a library wasnothing.
“Okay, you win,” I said breathlessly. “Fuck me.Now.”
He smirked and pulled a condom out of his pocket. Then he commanded me to put my arms around his neck and wrap my legs around his hips. The ladder dug into my back even more as he guided his cock inside me, but I was so overcome by pleasure that I couldn’t focus on the pain. In fact, the pain actually seemed to be intensifying thepleasure.
I clung to Hunter, gasping as he drove into me in hard, insistent thrusts. At one point, the ladder moved a half-inch along its track, making a loud creaking sound, but we didn’t stop. We couldn’t. The thought of getting caught made the pleasure that much moreintense.
I clenched around Hunter as an orgasm swept over me like a molten tidal wave, filling every inch of me with glowing warmth. Another jolt suddenly hit me, and I couldn’t stop a loud moan from bubbling up to my lips and spilling out. Hunter moved to support my weight with just one arm and covered my mouth with his free hand, smirking as he drove into me again andagain.
His chest began to heave, and then he shuddered and let out a groan, gripping me tightly as he found his ownrelease.
My legs felt like jelly as he finally let me off the ladder and onto the floor. He leaned forward to kiss me, and then he grabbed the book I needed and handed it to me with a smug smile. “Go and check this out while I clean up,” he said, nodding toward the nearest bathroomsign.
“I don’t think I can walk,” I murmured, sinking to thecarpet.
He grinned. “Well, I hope you can, because we need to get back to your dorm for round two,” he said, reaching out to help me backup.
I returned his smile, but it faded when I remembered something. “Oh, no. Wecan’t.”
“I told my mom I’d drive back to Silvercreek after school today,” I said. “She has the afternoon and night off work, so she wants to hang out. I think she’s kinda worried about me being here.After…”
I didn’t need to finish thesentence.
Hunter nodded. “That’s cool. You’ll be back for school tomorrow,right?”
“Yeah, of course. I’ll probably stay at home with her until nine or ten tonight, and then I’ll drive backhere.”
“Okay.” Hunter leaned down to kiss me again. “I’ll be back in aminute.”
When he was done in the bathroom, we went to the front of the library to check out my book. Then we left the building and took a right turn on the main path, heading for the Blair Hall parkinglot.
On the edge of the lot, we bumped into some of the other Princes and the girls they were currently seeing. Hunter wanted to stop and talk to them, so I stayed with him and joined in the chatter for awhile.
As Chris Hewittson told us all a story he’d heard about the recent scandal, I glanced down and noticed that my left shoelace had comeundone.
“Can you take this for a second?” I asked Hunter in a hushed voice, holding out my cellphone and the book I’d just taken out of the library. He took them and held onto them as I knelt down to re-tie mylaces.
When I was done, I stood up and squeezed his arm. “I better head off,” I murmured. “Don’t want to belate.”
“Sure. Tell your mom I said hi,” he said before leaning in for a goodbyekiss.
I headed over to my car on the other side of the lot and unlocked it. Just as I opened the door and went to get in, I heard Huntershouting.
“Laney! You might needthese.”
I looked around to see him waving my book and phone up in the air. I’d completely forgotten to take them back from him a minuteago.
“Thanks!” I called out as I jogged back toward him. “I totally forgotab—”
My sentence was cut short by a deafening boom. Fiery heat filled the air in a split-second, and a strange and sudden shockwave threw me forward, sending me to my hands and knees on theasphalt.
Ears ringing, I rolled over on the ground to see what hadhappened.
My car had exploded in a massive ball of orange flame, billowing outward along with dense clouds of blacksmoke.
My brain stuttered for a moment, thoughts jumbling as I tried to process what I was seeing. The jarring impact of the fall had knocked every wisp of air out of my lungs, and somehow, I couldn’t remember how to start breathing again. I just sat there on the ground with wide eyes and trembling limbs, dazed andbewildered.