Page 8 of Shattered Kingdom
“Well, it’s only a matter of time before everyone else knows how naïve I am too,” I said with a sigh. “I’m sure he’s already told all of hisfriends.”
“Yeah, probably,” Adam said, eyes tightening at the corners. “I honestly wish I wasn’t related to him. He’s such a fuckingprick.”
“At least I’m joining the Medusa girls now,” I said. “So everyone at school can think horrible stuff about me if they want, but none of them can actually say or do anything tome.”
Trina bit her bottom lip and frowned. “Are you sure you want to join them?” sheasked.
“I think it’s a great idea,” Adam said before I could respond. “They’ll be able to protect her from anyone who tries to bully her from now on. EvenHunter.”
“I know, but I remember you saying you got a weird vibe from them when you had lunch with them a few weeks ago,” Trina said, still focusing on me. “Do you still feelthat?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know. I think it’ll be fine. I don’t actually have to participate in any of the stuff that I don’t want to do,” I said. “And when I finish this year, they’re going to pay for me to go to college wherever Iwant.”
Adam let out a low whistle. “That’s a pretty sweetdeal.”
“I know. So I think it’ll be worth it in the end. I just have to try and get through the rest of this year atRFA.”
“Well, with the Medusas on your side, I think it’ll be doable,” Adamsaid.
Trina looked unconvinced. “I don’t know. What happened today was really, really bad. Even the Medusa girls might not be able to stop it all fromcontinuing.”
“Well, I guess I just have to hope that they can,” I said, stomachchurning.
Her shoulders drooped as she let out a deep breath. “I hate to say it… but maybe you should just leave,” she said in a lowvoice.
I raised my eyes to match her gaze. “What?”
“Leave RFA, Imean.”
“You think I shouldquit?”
She nodded. “I know I begged you for ages to hang in there, but things are seriously awful now. I honestly think it might be best if youleft.”
Before I could reply, Adam spoke up. “It kinda sounds like you’re trying to get rid of her,” he said, one browarching.
Trina’s eyes widened. “No, of course not!” she said, vehemently shaking her head. “I’m sorry, Laney. I know how that must’ve sounded. But I’m honestly worried about your safety. Not just your physical safety, either. I’m worried about yourmind.”
“My mind?” I said, browsfurrowing.
“These bullies have been fuckinghorribleto you. And this thing today….” She trailed off, shaking her head. “I don’t even know how you’ve dealt with it so far. If it was happening to me, I think I’d totally lose my shit. And I’m worried it’ll get to a point where they finally push you too far, and you’ll just snapand—”
She stopped abruptly, face flushing brightpink.
“Just say it,” Adam said softly. “It’sokay.”
Trina looked at her coffee cup. “I’m worried they’ll push you so far that you’ll end up doing something to hurt yourself,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. She looked up at me again, eyes glistening with emotion. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to make it sound as if Iwantyou to leave. Of course I don’t. I’m just worried aboutyou.”
A lump appeared in my throat. “I get it. But where would I even go?” I asked. “I don’t want to go back to Silvercreek High. Things are bad at RFA, but I still have so many opportunities there. And the free ride through college via the Medusa Society, too. I can’t afford to give thatup.”
“You wouldn’t have to go back to Silvercreek,” she said. “I bet we could find you a scholarship to another good prep school. I think Sanders would help out, too, considering how guilty he feels about what happenedtoday.”
“Even if I got another scholarship to a different school, I wouldn’t have the free college offer,” I said, shaking myhead.
“That’s true,” Adam said, scratching at his chin. “But what if we paid forit?”
“What if we paid for it?” he repeated. “You know we’re both rich as fuck. We could convince our parents to set up a brand new college scholarship fund, just for you. Even if it has to come out of our trust funds, that’s okay. They’re definitely big enough, so it would barely even scratch thesurface.”