Page 21 of Wicked Legacy
“Same as always,” I said, rolling my eyes upward. “He either ignores me or stares at me like he wants to stab me.”
“I guess that’s better than him leaking fake bullshit about you to the Dirt app.”
She tossed her hair over her shoulder and gave me a side-eyed glance. “Have you managed to find out what his problem is?”
“Nope. Although, to be fair, I only asked him once or twice. I haven’t bothered trying to talk to him since then.”
“I wonder why he won’t just tell you,” she said, lips twisting in contemplation. “Oh, also, have you noticed he’s friends with Cerina again?”
My stomach lurched at the thought of Jax and Cerina together. “Yeah, she’s come over a few times. Always with other people, though.”
“Yeah, I figured. I heard they aren’t hooking up anymore. I bet she’s trying, though.” Erin rolled her eyes. Then she raised her brows. “Anyway, apart from those two assholes, I’m so glad everything has settled down for you. I was kind of worried after your first day.”
“I was actually just thinking about that a minute ago.”
“Great minds think alike.” She jostled me and grinned. “By the way, are you going to Nate’s party this weekend?”
“Nate who?”
“Nate Ellingham. I thought I told you about the party.”
“I don’t think so.”
“Oh. Oops,” she said, looking guilty. “Anyway, Nate is cool, and he throws the best parties. He doesn’t really care about high school politics, so even nobodies like me are allowed to show up.”
“You aren’t a nobody! You’re a somebody,” I said, playfully poking her in the side. “Especially to me.”
“Yeah, yeah.” She grinned again and went on. “Anyway, Nate’s parents always let him have the whole house to himself, and they pay to have his parties fully catered. Booze included. Last year, he had this full-on champagne fountain in the middle of the room. And the food, oh my god…” She paused and let out a longing groan. “I’m still craving these pumpkin and feta tartlets they had there. They were so good.”
“Honestly, I’m happy if there’s just boxed wine, chips, and a plate of snickerdoodles at a party,” I said. “I have a feeling I’m a little easier to please than most of these Crown Point kids, though.”
Erin looked scandalized. “Ew, did you say boxed wine?”
“Hey, don’t knock it until you try it.”
She laughed. “So will you come to the party?”
“Are you sure this Nate guy won’t mind? I don’t know him.”
“Trust me, he won’t care at all. He’s cool. Oh… speak of the devil. He’s right there!” Erin pointed to a tall guy with a square jaw and sandy blond hair. He was standing next to our usual spot on the archery range.
“Oh, I know who he is,” I said, recognition dawning on me. “He’s in our chemistry class, right? Always sits at the back?”
“Yup. Also, that counts as you knowing him. Sort of.” Erin marched up to Nate. “Hey, Nate. What are you doing here?”
He flashed the two of us a friendly smile. “I’m usually in the Tuesday class, but I had to switch this week because I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon. Can’t miss it.” He paused and gestured to his spot on the neatly-trimmed lawn. “You don’t mind if I take this spot, do you?”
Erin shook her head. “No, it’s cool. No one else ever stands there.”
“Cool.” Nate’s eyes lingered on me for a second. Then he turned to inspect his assigned bow.
Our archery instructor, Mr. McLaren, blew a whistle to get everyone’s attention. “Remember the safety protocols, everyone!” he called out. “Also, remember to maintain a correct stance.”
Our session began, and I concentrated on the target in front of me with narrowed eyes, barely missing a single shot. Erin was right the other week—archery was fantastic stress relief. All I had to do was picture Jax’s annoyingly-handsome face in the middle of the target as I drew the bowstring back, and then my stress and anxiety would melt away as the arrow sailed through the air.
The whistle blew again ten minutes later. “All right, everyone, time for a quick break,” Mr. McLaren called out. “Bobbi, you volunteered to collect the arrows this time, didn’t you?”