Page 64 of Wicked Legacy
Cheeks burning, I raised my cup to my lips and took a small sip of beer. Jax did the same, staring at me the whole time. I held his gaze, heart pounding so hard I could hear it rattling my ribcage.
“Never have I ever… had a secret fling!” another girl slurred, lifting her cup and accidentally sloshing beer all over her lap.
My eyes snapped over to Erin. She’d just raised her drink to her lips. “You had a secret hookup?” I said, nudging her shoulder. “Who was it?”
She laughed. “I promise I’ll tell you if I get drunk enough tonight.”
The game continued without incident and ended around twenty minutes later. Afterward, the people around the circle got up and scattered into various corners of the chalet. The party raged on, growing louder and more boisterous by the moment.
By the time eleven o’clock rolled around, I was starting to get bored. I only had one beer earlier because I wanted to keep a clear head, and it had already gone straight through me, leaving me stone-cold sober while most of the other guests ranged from tipsy to falling-down drunk. It was hard to keep a clear conversation going with anyone as a result, and my high-heeled boots weren’t comfortable enough for dancing either.
I looked around. Jax had gone off somewhere to find Brent for some reason, and Erin was nowhere to be seen. She’d disappeared onto the dancefloor about twenty minutes ago with Prue and Jessica, but the other two girls were currently chatting to some guys near the snack table, sans Erin.
I pulled out my phone and texted her.Hey, did you go back to our chalet? Can’t find you.
Her reply came through a moment later.Still here. Been stuck up in the bathroom for the last ten minutes. Warning: do NOT eat those mini hot dogs!
Me:Shit, are you ok? Can I do anything?
Erin:Not gonna lie, shit is the right word, haha. Omg this sucks. Don’t worry though, I’ll be ok.
Me:Want me to bring you some water?
Erin:Thanks for the offer, but trust me, you don’t want to be in here right now. Unless you want to pass out and die
Me:Ok. I’m kind of tired so I’m going to head back to the chalet, but let me know if you need anything. I’ll come back asap.
I slipped my phone into my purse and scanned the room for my coat.
“Looking for this?”
I turned to see Jax holding my coat over one arm. “Thanks,” I said, taking it from him. “How did you know?”
“You’ve been standing around looking bored for ages. I figured you might be ready to leave.”
“Oh.” My cheeks flushed hot. “Sorry, I just don’t think I’m drunk enough to be here. I thought I’d go and finish my book instead.”
Jax grinned and looked around. “Yeah, things are getting a bit rowdy here.” He nodded toward the door. “I’ll walk you back.”
“I’ll be okay. It’s not that far,” I said, slipping my coat over my shoulders.
“For fuck’s sake, Kinsey, you know I’m not going to let you walk alone in the dark.”
I gave in without another word. There was no point arguing with Jax when he was in a protective mood. I knew that from experience.
Outside, the temperature had dropped several degrees. Even with my coat wrapped around me, my teeth were chattering, and I could feel goosebumps peppering every inch of my body.
“Here.” Jax shrugged his coat off and held it out to me. “You’re cold.”
I shook my head. “Keep it. Otherwise you’ll freeze.”
He chuckled and lay the coat over my shoulders. “I’m too hot for that.”
I scoffed and rolled my eyes at his corny joke, but I didn’t stop him from wrapping the coat around me. The fabric smelled just like him—a blend of woodsy aftershave, mint, and soap. So masculine. Sogood.I hated the way it made my heart pound; hated the butterflies that swarmed in my belly whenever the vaguest hint of the scent curled up my nostrils.
When we reached my chalet, I pushed the front door open and spun around, carefully averting my gaze from Jax’s face. I didn’t want him to see the conflict raging in my eyes. “Thanks for walking me back,” I murmured, handing his coat back.
“Sure. Anytime.”