Page 32 of Wicked Heirs
“I don’t think she was ever pregnant,” Erin said. “I think Jax is right. Mr. Blythe lied through his fucking teeth.”
“No shit.” Bobbi’s face was like a thundercloud. “He’d only lie if he had something to hide. Something terrible.”
“Exactly. We need to find out what the fuck it is,” I said.
Erin frowned. “But we can’t just walk up to him and confront him,” she said. “He’ll just lie again.”
“I know.” I clenched my jaw and rose to my feet. “Bobbi… we’re going to need your help again.”
“You were never reallyCerina’s friend.” Bobbi stared at me through narrowed eyes, hands placed firmly on her hips. “You never cared about her at all!”
I sighed and rubbed my jaw. “That’s not true and you know it,” I said. “We weren’t close in the last few months, but we were friends for years before that. I cared about her a lot.”
“Bullshit!” She jabbed a manicured finger at my chest. “You never gave a single fuck about her!”
I slowly shook my head. “I never meant to hurt her. I swear.”
“Bull-fucking-shit. You used her for everything you could get as long as it suited you, and then you ditched her as soon as Kinsey showed up. Guys like you always have to have the shiny new object, don’t they?”
“Bobbi, none of that is true,” I said, lifting a palm. “Please calm down.”
“Fuck you, Jax,” she replied through gritted teeth.
I took a short step forward. “Let’s just go and eat something, okay? I think your blood sugar is low,” I said. Right on cue, the bell rang, signaling lunchtime. “Calm down and walk with me. We can talk at the cafeteria.”
“Stop telling me to calm down, you fucking asshole!” Bobbi’s voice rose to a fever pitch. “You used her! Everyone used her! I was her only real friend!”
“Shut up! Just shut thefuck up!”
I glanced to the left. Mr. Blythe’s English classroom door had just opened and students were streaming out. Most of them gave Bobbi and me funny looks as they passed, but none stopped or attempted to defuse the situation. A couple whipped out their phones and took photos or videos, but I wasn’t concerned about that. They could send their stupid little tips about our public argument to the Dirt app all they wanted. Bobbi would never post them.
“You’re a stupid fucking prick, just like the rest of them!” Bobbi screamed. Her face was mottled with fury, and a vein was popping out on her forehead. “You don’t even care that she’s dead! No one does!”
I let out a sigh and raked a hand through my hair. “That’s not true. I care.”
“No you don’t! You’re a dirty fucking liar!”
“Excuse me!” Mr. Blythe stepped out of his classroom, face lined with a mix of concern and annoyance. The last of his students trickled out around him. “What on earth is going on here?”
Bobbi jabbed a finger at my chest again. “He doesn’t care that Cerina’s dead! No one does!”
“That’s not true,” I said hotly. “She’s losing her shit over nothing.”
“Fuck you!” Bobbi shrieked. She whipped her head around the hallway, glaring at all the passersby. “Fuck all of you!”
“You need to calm down and stop shouting right now,” Mr. Blythe said, raising his voice an octave. “This is not appropriate behaviorat all. If you need to talk to someone about Cerina’s death, you can—”
“No one cares!” Bobbi shrieked. “She’s dead and everyone’s acting like nothing happened!”
“I don’t think that’s true,” Mr. Blythe said, shaking his head. “Several hundred people attended her memorial the other day, and everyone here—”
Bobbi cut him off again. “Stop pretending you care! You’re a lying asshole just like everyone else!” she shouted, pummeling her little fists on his chest. Before he could try to restrain her, she sank to the floor in front of him, tears streaming down her face. “No one misses her,” she whimpered. “She’s only been gone for two weeks and you’re all acting like nothing even happened.”