Page 28 of Her Vengeful King
I roll my eyes with a smile and unlock the door. Fuck me. Callum stands in his beautiful navy suit, with no vest or tie. His crisp, white shirt is unbuttoned a little, revealing a tattoo peeking from his shoulder down onto his pecs. And Jesus fuck, are they defined. Chiseled. Beautiful. My panties disintegrate into smoke, especially when I notice the bouquet in his hand. It’s a mix of purple and pink flowers with some white roses.
No one has ever given me flowers before. And no, I’m not impressed. I’m only surprised. Once again, it’s nice to believe someone cares about me.
″Where’s your feather duster? Or your pantyhose?” I roll my eyes dramatically as I throw my hand in the air. “I need to complain to the agency. Not worth the money already.”
He chuckles, handing the flowers over. “The uniform costs extra.”
″Damn it. I knew I shouldn’t have skimped.” I step aside, allowing him to come in.
His eyes glance at me, taking in my pajamas, then at his watch. “It’s only six in the evening and you’re ready for bed already?”
″I keep odd hours.”
″Well, I made reservations for two at Harborside.”
I snort. “Because the last date I had went so well.”
I head for the kitchen to find a vase. Only, I don’t have one because no one has ever fucking bought me flowers before. I sure as shit don’t buy them for myself. Instead, I fill a glass pitcher with tap water for my new little guys.
″Who said this was a date? Maybe I just feel bad that your diet comprises ice cream and wine.” He approaches the island, grabbing the empty bottle of cabernet and reads the label out loud. “Haley’s Poison? Never seen this brand before.”
″That’s because it’s an exclusive. A bestie exclusive.”
″What’s that mean?”
″My best friend, Andi. She owns a vineyard in California. She names the wines after her family. Haley’s Poison is mine. It’s a cabernet. I’ve got an entire case. Would you like some?″
″Very neat. I like that. We can have a bottle tomorrow. Tonight, I want to take you out.”
I gulp, looking down at my hands. Two nights hanging out with him in a row? This is too much pressure. Too much I can fuck up.
His hand slowly comes out and rests on mine. “You don’t have to label it, Haley. There are no expectations, okay?”
″Why are you being so patient with me? You don’t seem like you’re a patient man.”
Chuckling, his head inclines. “Not usually.”
″Surely there are other women who will gladly give you whatever you’d like by now.”
″What’s the fun with no chase?”
″You saw what I wore to the Oceanaire. I don’t have dresses for a restaurant that nice.” I’ll look like a frumpy ugly duckling compared to his sexy fitted suit. Like a little sister, he takes pity on.
″We can stop and buy you one on the way.”
An eyebrow arches then his face scrunches in confusion. “Why?”
His scowl is hotter than his smile. I may just enjoy being difficult to displease him so that I can see the wrinkles in his forehead scrunch, and his lips shrivel in a manly pout.
He isn’t begging or trying to make me feel bad. He’s just upset. “You should have called me and asked me to go out with you. You can’t just show up and expect me to do whatever you say.”
″Well, do you have plans? Because as I said earlier, you’re in pajamas.”
Ignoring him, I continue with the lists of excuses I have. The list that keeps me safe from everything. “And I don’t enjoy being in a vehicle at night.”