Page 80 of Her Vengeful King
I know I could elbow him, create enough distance between us that I could reach for a makeshift weapon, but it’ll only anger him. I need to wait until I can get away safely.
″You gave yourself to Cal Murphy, but not me, Haley. It’s my turn.”
″I didn’t give him anything.”
″Then why the fuck were you kissing him? You went to breakfast with him. You stayed the night at his house last night!”
″He was upset. I was scared. I didn’t realize the flowers were from you. I was just trying to get whoever it was to back off.” I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore.
Fuck, I need Cal.
A tear runs down my cheek.
″Don’t cry, Haley. I promise you’ll love it.”
His grip around my waist loosens and I take the opportunity to drive my elbow into his ribs. He grunts loudly and stumbles back, letting go of me.
My heart pounds as I turn and with a grunt, drive my knee into his face. The force of my strike knocks him onto his ass. I run for my door and fling it open. If I take two steps at a time, it should give me enough time to get outside. Enough time to run.
I make it to the edge of the staircase, my foot in the air, when his hand yanks on my ankle. Drake’s caught up to me. I wasn’t fast enough. The force drives my body forward and I tumble down the stairs, and my heart sinks. What now?
My body hits the front edge of a step and a sickening crack fills the air. My lungs burn.
I shriek as he pulls me up the stairs by my ankles.
Mother fucker.
Still on my stomach, he climbs on top of me, holding me down in the hallway. My ribs are on fire. “Oh, Haley. Don’t pretend you hate this.”
″I do, Drake. I fuckingdo.” I can’t breathe. It’s too painful.
His hand fists my hair as he yanks my head back. Mouth against my ear, he growls. I yelp in pain as he pulls me into standing position by my head.
I’m going to fucking throw up.
″Be a good girl, and I’ll give you a treat.”
″What, your dick?”
″I’ll let you suck it.” He laughs maniacally again.
″And I’ll bite it off.”
″Not if I knock your teeth out first.” He hisses in my ear, spit lodging inside.
I cringe. “Fuck off, Drake. Callum will be here any minute and he’s going to tear you apart.”
Drake snorts, letting go of my hair. He pins my arms against my back and forces me into a sitting position. “Do you think I’m an idiot, Haley? Callum is away on business. He’s not even in the fucking state.”
Why didn’t Callum tell me? When I asked if he could come over after I got home, he had told me he was busy but he would see what he could do. Had it been a lie?
It was. He lied. He didn’t want to see me.
That’s not important right now. Focus. I have to focus.
Drake attempts to shove me into my room, but I spread my hands against either side of the door frame.