Page 86 of Her Vengeful King
I smile at her but don’t get up. I already know if I attempt to go to her, she will shy away like a skittish rabbit. There’s no sense in standing just to get heartbroken when rejection comes again.
″What is it, love?” I ask, bringing the glass to my mouth.
She clears her throat, then exhales deeply. I tell myself it’s from the pain, but the familiar tension in her shoulders means she’s uncomfortable around me. I want to help her, hold her and give her whatever she needs to feel better. But she won’t let me.
After a bit of silence, she says, “My brother just told me he’s here. Is it okay if I invite him over?”
″Sure. I hadn’t realized you called him. We could have had him flown here.”
″I didn’t call him. I don’t know why he’s here. Just a visit I guess.”
″Okay. I can send a car for him.”
″How are you doing, Sav?” Paddy asks as he pushes off the desk. He sets his glass down, then heads for her.
″Fine, Murph. Thanks.”
″You don’t look fine.” When he reaches her, he wraps her in a soft hug and she winces at the touch on her side. “Maybe we can grab a bite tomorrow? Get you out in some fresh air.”
″I’m just really tired,” she says. “I’m going to go nap until Lucas is here.”
She pushes off the door frame and shuffles away. When the sound of her footsteps dissipates, I turn back to Paddy.
″She’s off,” Paddy says. “But I’ve seen her worse. Give her the gift you’ve been working on.”
″When she’s healed. She shouldn’t be flying right now. And they haven’t broken ground yet.”
″I’ll see about getting her out of the house.”
″Thanks, Paddy.”
He nods, dismisses himself, and leaves me to wallow in my self-pity.
Haley walks past the study toward the elevator of the penthouse after getting a call that her brother is coming up. I leave to follow her brother, curious about the brother she’s only mentioned a few times. She talks about him like she loves him, but she’s said he only ever reaches out when he needs money.
A visit across the country must mean he needs cash.
I guess that’s typical if you’re raised to believe that your sister is a liar who tried to ruin your mother’s marriage.
My stride matches hers and I catch up quickly to her, placing my arm around her for support. She glances at me, giving me a thankful smile. It’s the first sign of hope she’s given me.
The door pings, signaling its arrival and as it opens, Scotty steps off the elevator first, followed by two men, one older and one younger. My nostrils flare with frustration that he didn’t communicate Lucas was bringing a friend to us. Haley seems just as set off guard as she grabs my hand and her fingers dig into my palm.
It’s the first physical contact she’s voluntarily given me since she killed Drake.
″Get out.” Haley growls, her grip tightening on me.
″Haley,” the older man sighs. “Please, honey. Just…hear me out.”
″You’ve been pretty silent for the last eighteen years, Dad. What could you possibly need to say to me?”
″You look like shit, Haley. Are you okay?” Lucas says.
″No. I’m not okay. I was mugged and broke two ribs.”
″Fuck. Why didn’t you call and tell me?” He steps forward to embrace her, but she moves away.