Page 97 of Her Vengeful King
I pause at the front door.
Fourteen days ago, I walked out of Callum’s penthouse. I can’t believe it’s been that long since I’ve seen him. He’s come by a few times, but Griff always tells him to fuck off. Scotty’s allowed to come in and hang out whenever Griff isn’t around and I’m lonely, but he knows better than to bring Callum up. He did once, and I kicked him out.
I know that he is still reporting to Cal. I know that he is here protecting me because Callum orders him too. None of that bothers me. I don’t mind because it means that, despite my outburst, Cal still cares.
I open the door to Saoirse, her red curls blowing toward me.
I smile, leaning against the door frame. “If he sent you, then you can go fuck off.”
″Well, cheerio to you too, sister.” Saoirse smiles brightly as she squeezes her purse closer.
″I think I’d need to marry a Murphy boy first to become your sister. And considering I’m not speaking to your eldest brother at the moment…” My voice trails off in a sad monotone.
I thought he would have tried harder by now. Not that I want him to, but it would have been nice.
″It’s just me,” Saoirse promises. “I need a gown for a charity event. And a plus one. Please come help me pick out a dress.”
″Will Callum be there?”
″No.” Her curls bounce on her shoulders as she shakes her head.
I roll my eyes as I huff lightly. Saoirse has been texting me and calling me non-stop since my fight with Cal. She’s become somewhat of a friend, even if I’ve been a jerk to her brother. I guess I could use the night out with someone I’d consider a friend. So, against my better judgment, I say, “When is it and what is it for?”
″Two weeks from now. It’s for animals or something. I don’t know, Cal assigns us events we have to go to.” She waves a dismissive hand like she can’t be bothered to care about whatever she’s contributing money to. “He’s very bossy when it comes to keeping a positive reputation with the Murphy name. Last year it was for plants! Bloody plants. Who needs donations for greenery?”
Her eyes are wild with annoyance and hearing the European curse coming out of her mouth with a Boston accent sends my shoulders shaking in a peal of silent laughter.
I smirk, resting my head against the door. “Fine, I’ll help you pick out a dress if you feed me after.”
″Perfect, we can sit outside at the waterfront and eat on Callum’s dime. He’s given me the family credit card.”
I glance down at my sweats, then to Saoirse. She is in a stunning green jersey dress and thigh-high boots. “Let me get changed,” I say.
Stepping aside, I open the door further and she follows me inside. “I’m afraid I don’t have many clothes here at Griff’s. I haven’t been back to my place since the attack, but I do have some decent leggings and a top I can wear,” I say.
She makes herself comfortable on the sofa while I disappear to the guest room.
The Rolls Royce Saoirse shoved me into at Griff’s comes to a stop and the driver turns off the ignition, so I know we’ve reached our destination. I glance at the window and my mind races, trying to process what I see.
We’re parked on a tarmac. “What are we doing?”
″Going to New York. They have better stores,” Saoirse says. She scratches at her neck then clears her throat. She seems uncomfortable and it confirms she is lying to me.
These mother fuckers tricked me!
″Who is on that plane, Saoirse?” I ask as I glare at her.
″No one, love. It’s just you and me today. Why are you acting so weird?”
My eyes practically bulge out of my head. “I don’t know. Why didn’t you tell me you were taking me to New York?”
″Because I knew if I did, you wouldn’t come.”
″No, you don’t.”
″Well, would you?”
″No! This is nuts. Take me home.”