Page 12 of Torpid Dagger
“But that tunnel could collapse on us,” I argued.
Fergus pointed from where we came. “You just saw that our planet is alive on its own, aiding the birds. She will not allow a tunnel to collapse on us.”
“What about other creatures? What if something lives inside of there? Is that why you’re drawing your shields?”
“No, we’re going to ride them down the mountain to save us some time,” Bain said, sitting on this fire. I watched as the flames never touched his clothes. “Pick a lap, Princess. We’re going to ride our shields through the tunnel as well.”
Swallowing hard, I wasn’t sure what to do. Cullen picked up on my unease. “You guys go. I’ll take Little Rose with me.”
They all went one at a time to leave gaps between their travels down the same slope. All of them used their magic to turn their shields in order to make it through the small tunnel. I felt nauseous for more than one reason. Alasdair had made a ramp of frozen water to make sure they all turned at the right time, curving to line up with the tunnel. Bain shot some fire to slow his ample speed down to make it next. Fergus made a root pop out of the ground for his hand to take hold of to swing his shield that way better.
This looked unequivocally insane.
Cullen beckoned me to sit on his lap where his legs were crossed over his shield of swirling wind. Doing so, I knew we had to get to the castle as fast as possible. Fergus finally told me during the first part of our walk that Morrigan’s creatures liked to come out at night more, implementing a new fear within me.
Using his hands to push us off, I found I had plenty of room to nest myself in his lap from how small I was in comparison to him. Closing my eyes, I felt the rush of wind smacking my face as we went down. It took me a few seconds to brave witnessing what we were doing, but it was right when he used Alasdair’s ramp that I opened them.
Cullen raised his palms to the side, helping guide us to turn without flipping. We went flying through the air because he didn’t slow down like the others had. My stomach flipped in knots, but we were going through the small cavern before I had time to think about puking. The darkness lasted several seconds as the air felt harder to inhale.
Finally, a light began to glow at the end, telling me we were nearly there. I wasn’t prepared for the shield to shoot across the small bridge the tunnel spit us out on, but our speed made us soar right down it. I couldn’t believe they all knew this route so well, telling me they spent ample time here in their former days.
All the others were dusting off some snow from our velocity as we finally slowed down to get off as well. My legs were like jelly when Bain offered me his hand to help me up. Hyperventilating, I had to gather my bearings, turning around to see the path we made it through.
“Come on, Princess.” Alasdair patted my back before showing me up the black stairs of stone.
Cullen was the first up them, knocking on the door. When we got to his side, a female answered wearing nothing at all. Her skin was pink, and her hair was a darker shade of the same color.
“Prince Cullen,” she cooed at him.
“Camahla,” he greeted her with an eager grin of past pleasures. “Is Cian home?”
She pouted before pressing her naked and heavy tits into his side. “He left two days ago on a hunting trip around the territory. He is supposed to be home tonight, though.”
“Oh, good. Might we come in and wait? His mother sent us to fetch a book from the library.” He twirled some of her long hair around his finger.
“You know you’re not allowed here anymore,” she reminded him, but it was easy to tell she wouldn’t stand her ground against him.
“But you’re so lonely,” he purred at her.
Fergus came to my side, pointing at the woman. “Nymphs are the most common whores in Faerie from their sexual appetites being insatiable. Dryads will for certain men, but Cian only keeps nymphs here. They roam the castle in their nudity because that is how they are raised.”
Balking, I knew I had to right my face when we entered the black castle, seeing a handful more of them. It was as though Cian had no respect, but I knew that was just my upbringing talking. These women loved their bodies in a way I grew envious of rather quickly.
Cullen didn’t pause our trek, knowing the prince was due home soon. The faster we found the book, the faster we could leave.
Though, I wasn’t prepared to see the library. Standing three stories high, there were rows and rows of books all around in a circle. If we weren’t on such an important mission, I would’ve liked to read them all.
Not leaving a book unturned, we all worked tirelessly to discover whatever secret Áine needed us to find. Of course, us getting in wasn’t free of cost as the castle whores draped themselves over us men as we read. They were all so whiny and moody, but I wouldn’t mention anything from how uncomfortable Briar was already. Female nudity wasn’t something she easily handled seeing from her prim and proper upbringing.
“You guys see anything?” I asked them, lifting my head from a book. To my disgruntlement, only Bain was helping me search through the pages because Alasdair was openly fingering the nymph on his lap to toy with Briar. She was staring at the bookshelf to her left to avoid glancing their way.
“Nothing yet,” Bain clipped, used to our brother’s ways. Alasdair and Cian had always been the horniest of the bunch. Briar was red through her face and chest, embarrassed yet slightly aroused by their debauchery.
The nymph had heavy breasts and wide hips doused in her pink skin. Strips of hair fell just over her nipples to create a titillating illusion for us men to guess what her nipples looked like below. Being men, we did wonder and ponder it more than we should’ve.