Page 36 of Valkyrie
All right. She could work with that. “Anything else?” Val was ready to end the call and start planning what she could of the operation.
“Yes. Smithson, your parents are in Russia. Apparently, whatever rift was between your mother’s family and your parents seems to have been mended.”
Smith nodded and lifted a hand in the air. “This is why you were concerned about my loyalty to Guardian. The timing of my being in Europe and their travels.”
“It seemed too coincidental to some of us. You conveniently being in Europe while your parents are in Russia raised eyebrows,” Fury acknowledged.
“I understand. Guardian has my loyalty. I owe those people nothing.”
Val patted his arm. “Besides that, Smithson didn’t know he was coming to Europe until I took him to the airport, so there was no timing, plan, or intent on his part. I planned the trip and basically kidnapped him. He had no idea where we were going or why. He’s just along for the ride.”
There was a low rumble of laughter that she couldn’t identify. “Good to know.” She recognized Lycos’ voice as he spoke for the first time.
“Val, report your concerns on the preliminary strawman operation after you review the package. We’ll run the table,” Anubis reminded her. Running the table played devil’s advocate with the plan, making it stronger or trashing it altogether if it didn’t hold water through the discussion.
“Affirmative. My contacts are in St. Petersburg and will be of no help. We’ll be going in solo.”
“Understood and anticipated. Be advised Komal is coded.” Archangel delivered the sweetest permission with those words.
“I copy.” She’d gladly end that bastard. Unfortunately, they had to find him before every other agency in the free world.
They cleared the call, and she crossed her arms over her sheet-covered breasts. “Why Novosibirsk? Why not sooner?”
“I would assume to give him time to settle, to think he’s made it undetected.” Smith postulated.
“We won’t know if there are other operatives on the train. It could get messy.” Val pulled her hand through her hair.
“I’ve been messy before.” Smith shrugged, and her body moved with his.
“So have I. Tell me, Mr. Young, do you have a preference when it comes to a weapon? I don’t have a Colt like you carry at home.”
He shook his head. “Any large caliber handgun will suffice.”
“Then, come on, we have some flooring to move.”
Smith slid out of the car before the valet could open his door and went to the trunk of the vehicle, grabbing the picnic basket they’d taken to the cottage. It was no longer filled with food. Rather, it held a small arsenal of handheld weapons, explosives, and cash from several countries. When Val said she’d stocked the safe house, she wasn’t lying. The only thing she was missing was a rocket launcher. But with what he now knew about the woman, she probably had one of those hidden under the kitchen sink. The array of what she’d hidden in that cottage would have been unimaginable to him three days ago.
Three days. He walked beside Val into the lobby of the expensive hotel where they had a suite. That Guardian actually still employed him was a boon. Now the goal was to be of assistance instead of being a hindrance to the mission they’d been given. He wasn’t some flashy double-oh-seven type. He was an enforcer. A rough man who’d used his power and brawn to intimidate and kill.
A bellhop ran toward him. “Sir, I’ll take that for you.”
Smith’s grip held on the basket. “No, thank you.”
The uniformed attendant blinked as if the words didn’t register. Val smiled and placed her hand gently on the bellman’s arm. “We’re not done with what’s inside. I’ll call down when you can gather the basket.”
Smith watched the man leave and followed Val into the elevator.
“That guy about had a heart attack. You don’t know how intimidating you look, do you?” Val chuckled.
He slid his gaze to her. “I said thank you.” It was better than a punch in the gut, which was his initial reaction when the man grabbed at the handle.
Val outright laughed at that. “True, you did.”
She held up a hand in the suite, pulled out a slim pink cartridge, flipped it in some way, and started moving about the room. He saw the micro screen when she passed him. The technology wasn’t lost on him. He knew she was scanning the room, but the thought of needing to check the room was something he wouldn’t have considered.
He sat the heavy basket down and waited as she finished her sweep. “We’re good,” she said as she returned to the living area. “The courier should be here in about three hours. Let’s get this unloaded and into our luggage.”