Page 54 of Valkyrie
Val didn’t change clothes.She wanted that bastard Komal hot and bothered. She paced at the last door to the sleeping compartments and glanced at her watch, acting nervous and impatient. When he opened the door to the sleeping car, she smiled widely. She laughed as he approached. “I feel like a student who didn’t go to class, but I want to see the rest of the train.”
Komal’s eyes raked over her, and she blinked, moving her arms across her chest, giving him the scared rabbit look. “Maybe this was a mistake.” She moved against the wall to slide past him.
“No. No one will ever know. Come, I’ll show you the train. It’s magnificent and will be an experience you’ll never forget.” He opened the door and placed a firm hand on her back. She looked down the hall and stepped out of the car through the transition and into the next car. Komal nodded at the kitchen staff. There weren’t any surprised looks on the kitchen staff’s faces when he moved through the car.
They moved to the next in line. “The supply car,” he said as they moved farther along the car.
“Oh, this is where they keep all of Nadia’s lemons.” She laughed and moved over to a bin holding beets and potatoes.
“Come. There’s more to see.” Komal moved through the car, barely giving her time to look around.
“Are you worried Ivan will come looking for me?” She jogged a little to keep up with the man.
“Your husband has been taken care of. I’m not worried about him at all.” Komal opened the door at the end of the car and motioned for her to go through.
“Taken care of? Do you mean at the poker table? He’s very good, you know.” She moved through the outdoor transition to the luggage car and listened to Smith as he called on a hand. Komal shut the door, and she heard the slam of the deadbolt as it toggled into place. Val spun. “Why did you lock the door? Is this the luggage car?” She let Smithson know where she was. “I think I’ve seen enough. I should get back.”
Komal grabbed her and almost jerked her off her feet. His hands dug into her upper arms. Val let him slam her into the door that he’d locked. “Stop it. What are you doing?” She struggled a bit, playing the part.
“You know what I’m doing. You want me. Why else would you have agreed to meet me?” He grabbed her thigh and dragged his hand up to her crotch, forcing her to spread her legs. “Stop it. No! Stop!” She struggled harder. Komal clamped his mouth over hers and pinned her to the door with his body. Using one hand to hold her hands above her head, he unzipped his pants with the other.
Val used her high heel to slam into his toes. He hissed and did exactly what she’d hoped he’d do. He threw her to the floor and sat on top of her. He ripped her dress from her neck to her waist. “Stop! No!”
“Shut up, bitch. You enticed me to this car, and you want to fuck me. Your husband thinks he’s something special. He’s not. You’re not. I’ll show you what a real man can do.” Komal ripped through her panties and lifted her leg. He grabbed her hair with the other, and she pushed at him ineffectively. “No, stop! I don’t want this!”
He crushed her mouth with his. She could feel the bile in her stomach rise, but that was where she needed him. He turned and slid his hips down, then bit her shoulder.
She grabbed the heel of her shoe as he centered over her. Val twisted violently. “Bitch, hold still.” Komal lifted to one arm, trying to grab her hip. She slid the needle out of her shoe. Komal caught her arm and slammed it back to the floor. “What is this?” He glared at the needle.
Val slammed her forehead into his nose and lifted her legs, wrapping them around his neck. She flipped him to his back and hammered his cock and balls with a fist. He screamed in rage yet couldn’t prevent the convulsive, protective curl his body demanded. Val disengaged, rolling to the right. She regained her balance and slammed back on top of the fucker. She didn’t have the time or energy for finesse. She shoved the needle through the bottom of his chin and upward. He thrashed, grasping at his face. Val slid the other needle out from her heel and grabbed the fuckers face.
“This is for every child you hurt, you son of a bitch.” She rammed the needle through the bastard’s eye and stirred the razor-sharp shard scrambling the fucker’s brain like eggs. Then she released the acid held in the tube.
Val panted and pushed herself up, straddling Komal as his body went through the process of dying now that his brain wasn’t sending impulses for it to continue. She put her hand to her ear. She heard Smith grunt and release a hiss of expelled air. She stood up and moved away from Komal. Kicking off her shoes, she bolted to the door. She had to help Smith.
* * *
Smithson stood after the hand.“If you’ll excuse me.”
“Where are you going?” Blanton asked as all three men looked up at him.
“I’ll be back.” He moved before another word could be said. He heard Val give him the location. They were in the luggage car, and he was heading that way. He made it to the second sleeper car before he saw Komal’s men hustling through the first. Smith casually walked through the kitchen car listening as Val pleaded with that bastard to stop. He bolted into the supply car and reached the end when Blanton called after him.
He turned in time to see the knife launch out of No Name’s hand. Smith dropped into a crouch, and the knife flew past him, embedding itself in the insulated wall of the supply car. He stood and grabbed the knife out from the wall. He had a gun, and he’d use it if necessary, but they needed time, and a gunshot would draw unneeded attention.
Smith lifted his free hand and beckoned them forward. “Let’s go.” He dropped into a fighting position. Blanton drew a knife, as did Sam, but Smith could tell it would be Mr. No Name who would move on him first. Blanton tossed his knife to the bastard, and the other two stepped back. Smith watched and waited.Left foot first. Left-handed hold on the knife. Smith had been in more than his share of knife fights in back alleys. He waited for the bastard to make his move. The ass was too impatient. He’d lunge first. As expected, the man advanced and slashed in a wide arc. Nobody who wanted to live on the streets fought that way. Smith didn’t feign or move. He blocked the wide swing with his arm and stabbed hard and fast. One, two, three, four times. He backed away, and No Name dropped to his knees. The look of complete surprise on his opponent's face vanished as he flopped to the floor.
Smith stood and walked forward. Sam looked nervously at Blanton, who lifted his chin and ordered Sam into action. Smith didn’t stop walking. Sam sidestepped and sprung at him, but Smith twisted, smacked Sam’s attempted stab away, and rammed the knife into Sam’s throat. The action barely paused his progress to Blanton.
Blanton lifted his hands into fists and started moving his feet like a boxer. Smith pushed forward, and Blanton slammed a punch into his gut while swinging an uppercut to his head. The gut punch pushed a hiss of air out of him. Smith blocked the uppercut and grabbed Blanton’s shirt pulling him forward and off his balance. Then Smith lifted the bastard above his head and threw him against a wooden vegetable bin. Blanton screamed in pain, his hands contorted into misshaped claws as his body spasmed. Smith smiled. He’d broken the fucker’s back. He grabbed Blanton by the shirt collar and headed to the door leading to the luggage car. The door flew open, and he crouched, reaching for his weapon, still holding Blanton by the shirt collar.
Val stood in the doorway. White hair flying in the wind, crouched and ready for a fight. The woman was naked as the day was long and smeared in blood. She saw him and turned to take in the scene around her before slowly lifting upright. “What are you going to do with him?”
“Send a signal,” Smith said. “Are you hurt? Did he …”
Val lifted her chin. “No. The bastard’s dead. It wasn’t pretty, and there’s a mess to clean up.”
Smith dragged Blanton to her and dropped him before he took off his jacket and handed it to her. “Go back to the room. I’ll take care of the cleanup.”